From George Washington to the Board of War, 8 June 1780
To the Board of War
Heights above Springfield
June 8: 1780 5 oC. A.M.
If Major Lee’s Corps is still at Philadelphia or within its vicinity—or has not advanced more than three or four days march towards the Southward—I request that You will order it to join this army as soon as it can be done.1 His Horse in particular is infinitely wanted at this time. I inclose a Letter for him on this subject.2 The Enemy are out in force in Jersey and liejust below Sp[r]ingfield. They have a considerable body of Horse which we want Horse to counteract, and we want them besides for the purpose of reconoitring &c.
Df, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. At this place on the draft, Harrison crossed out the words “consistently with the health.”
GW recently had countermanded orders sending Maj. Henry Lee, Jr.’s partisan corps to South Carolina (see GW to Lee, 20 May, found at GW to Lafayette, that date, n.11).
2. For Lee’s acknowledgment of this letter, which has not been found, see his letter to GW, 11 June.