George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Turnbull, 19 May 1780

From William Turnbull

Philada May 19th 1780


At the request of my Brother who has lately come from the Southard, I have to acquaint Your Excellency That the pipe of Madeira Wine which Robert Smith Esquire of Edenton advised was in his possession has been particularly taken care of by my Brother and is stored in Baltimore where it will be deliverd to Your Excellen[c]ys order by Mr James Jaffary Merchant there.1

If I can afford any assistance to have Your Excellencys directions complied with respecting the same please to command Sir Your most hu: servt

Wm Turnbull


1For the shipment of this pipe of wine, see Joseph Digges to GW, 1 Nov. 1779, and Hewes, Smith, & Allen to GW, 4 Jan. 1780; see also Robert Morris to GW, 1 Feb., and Robert Smith to GW, 3 March.

Scotland native James Jaffray (d. 1819), a Baltimore merchant, owned the firm James Jaffray & Company. He swore a loyalty oath to the state of Maryland in 1778 (see Md. Council 1778–79 description begins William Hand Browne, ed. Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778–October 26, 1779. Baltimore, 1901. In Archives of Maryland, vol. 21. description ends , 212). Jaffray’s firm engaged in privateering during the war (see Md. Archives description begins Archives of Maryland. 72 vols. Baltimore, 1883–1972. description ends , 45:272–73).

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