George Washington Papers

IV. Unknown to Francis Van Dyke, c. 26 May 1780

Unknown to Francis Van Dyke

[c.26 May 1780]

May 26th Left New York

Eight or teen Ships of war the Largist twenty four guns.

a Rainforce ment of three thousand men gon to Cannada to keepe the inhabbatance undur.1

Very few trups in the City and adjasint placis not more then Six & Sevin thousand[,] betwise three & four thousand fit for Duty.

The Channal in the E[a]st rivur Block up[.] 15 Ships gon downe the Narrows redy for Sinkkng[.] 15 more Redy for the Same purpus.2

Back or Neair Bulls farry a Party Cuting wood have Bult a Blockhous with 2 Piecs Cannon & 300 men to Defend it.3

a frend at Bargan [Bergen] heard their is Sum Ships gon up the North rivur as far as toppan.

Satturday night a Parsal of flatt Bottum Boats wint to Stattan Island on their way to Brumswick.4

Next windsday Expects to have Sumting of importes in writng.

L, DLC:GW. GW docketed the report: “Through V——D. 26th May. 1780.” For evidence this letter may have been written on 28 May or shortly thereafter, see n.4.

2For the British plan to sink vessels to obstruct the approaches to New York, see Robert Howe to GW, 11 May, and notes 3 and 6 to that document; see also Elias Dayton to GW, 15 May, and Documents III and V.

3For the construction and purpose of the blockhouse near Bull’s Ferry, N.J., see Thomas Lloyd Moore to GW, 22 May, and n.3.

4For similar intelligence involving boats and troops moving on Saturday, 27 May, see William Maxwell to GW, 29 May, found at GW to Maxwell, 28 May, source note.

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