George Washington Papers

General Orders, 20 April 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Morristown Thursday April 20th 1780

Parole Louis Countersigns Vergennes Luzerne

[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Angell[,] Major C. Stewart[,]1 Brigade Major 2d pennsylva. Brigade

The General Court martial whereof Colonel Livingston is President is dissolved2 and another ordered to assemble at the same hut in the Connecticut line where the last sat for the Trial of Major Church3 and such others as shall come before them.

Colonel Shreve to preside, Lieutenant Colonel Conway Major Reed4 two Captains from the 1st Pennsylvania brigade two from the 2nd two from Hand’s one from Maxwell’s one from Clinton’s and two from Stark’s to attend as Members.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW, ser. 3, subseries G, letter book 5; Varick transcript, DLC:GW, ser. 3, subseries G, letter book 4.

1The general orders are referring to Maj. Christopher Stuart.

2For the authorization of this court-martial under Col. James Livingston, see General Orders, 9 April.

3For details on Maj. Thomas Church’s court-martial, see General Orders, 10 May.

4A challenge removed Maj. James Randolph Reid from this court-martial (see General Orders, 21 April).

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