George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 4 December 1779

To Colonel Elisha Sheldon

Head Quarters [Morristown] Decemr 4th 1779


I received this morning your letter of the 29th1 and in consequence, have given Mr [ ] your Qr Mr a warrant for ten thousand dollars, which is as much as the military Chest can at present spare2—When this is expended you can apply for a further sum.

I have no objection to your inlisting such men belonging to the infantry whose times of service are very near expiring and who will not reengage in their own corps. You will consider this as your authority for the purpose, agreeable to which are my instructions to General Heath.3 I am with regard Sir Your most Obedt


Df, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Sheldon’s letter to GW of 29 Nov. has not been found.

2GW’s warrant book for this date reads: “To Mr Helmer Hausen [Henry Frederick Helmerhausen] (Col. Sheldons Regt) on accot for recru[i]ting—10,000” (Revolutionary War Warrant Book 4, 1779–1780, DLC:GW, ser. 5).

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