From George Washington to Gouverneur Morris, 6 November 1779
To Gouverneur Morris
West-point Novr 6th 1779.
Dear Sir,
Your favor of the 21st ulto did not reach me till a longer time after its date, than is usual between this and Philadelphia.
I cannot for a variety of reasons which will occur to you, undertake to designate the persons who shd receive the provision of Congress—or to fix upon the Sums which might be adequate. They are points of too great delicacy for me to interfere in.1
The Committee on the business will of course have a list of all the appointments in the Army before them, with the pay and emoluments annext to each. they will also know the services of each Officer, and from thence they will be able to determine who are yet to be considered, and what present & future provision will be just.
I am exceedingly happy in your postscript; for I am a great friend to harmony at all times, and especially in public Councils.2
I send a new York paper of the 26th ulto to the President of Congress3—which will shew you according to the enemys Accts how matters were in August with respect to the combined fleets & Sir Chas Hardy,4 and that the Inhabitants on the coast of England seemed to be at least as much alarmed as we used to be5—I hope the panic will extend pretty generally through the Kingdom, and that we shall feel the good effects of it. I cannot say more, having, I cannot tell you how much, pressing business before me. I am sincerely & Affectly Yrs
Go: Washington
ALS, probably enclosed in GW to John Mitchell, this date, MeHi; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW signed the cover of the ALS.
1. Named to a congressional committee to determine additional pay for officers, Morris had asked GW for his “thoughts” on who should receive money and appropriate amounts.
2. Morris had informed GW that members of Congress “are united as much as is safe for the Public.”
4. Charles Hardy (1716 or 1717–1780), son of a British vice admiral, joined the Royal Navy in 1731. He pursued a naval career that resulted in promotion to admiral in October 1770 and command of the Channel Fleet in March 1779. That fleet then faced a French and Spanish force that threatened to invade England. Hardy also served as governor of New York from January 1755 to June 1757 and as a member of Parliament for most years between 1764 and his death.
5. Since 26 Oct. was a Tuesday, GW almost certainly is referring to The Royal American Gazette (New York), a Loyalist newspaper that published on that day of the week. No issue of this newspaper for that date has been located.