George Washington Papers

III. Samuel Culper to John Bolton, 17 August

Samuel Culper to John Bolton

729 Augt 17. 1779

Dear Sir

The inclosed hath bene Since the dats thereof in my hands on the account of a high wind much rather they had bene in you⟨rs⟩1 I have nothing worthy of notice to Pen down our Petitioners have not yet returnd Shall be able to informe you at the next appointment which is very Short 725 returns this night and may come back tomorrow night I hope the general Sickness Seems, to abate. Am your, &c.


N.B. I mean by Petitioners a representative hath gone up from everry Town, to the Genl in behalf of the People.

LS, DLC:GW. Written partly in code using Maj. Benjamin Tallmadge’s code “dictionary,” in which, “729” stood for Setauket, Long Island, N.Y.; “725” for Caleb Brewster; and “722” for Samuel Culper.

1Culper probably is referring to Documents I and II.

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