General Orders, 16 June 1779
General Orders
Head-Quarters Smith’s Tavern [N.Y.] Wednesday June 16th 1779.
Parole East-Greenwich—C. Signs Eastham. Enfield—
Major Archibald Anderson is appointed Brigade Major to the 1st Maryland Brigade and is to be obeyed and respected accordingly.
The Light-Companies as they are to be ready to embody on the shortest notice, are to be excused from all duties except camp and quarter guards.
The General officers are desired to meet at Genl Putnam’s quarters tomorrow morning nine ô clock.
After Orders June 16th—
General Woodford’s brigade to march tomorrow morning 8 ôClock furnished with four days provision to relieve the 2nd Pennsylvania brigade at the Forest of Deane.1
One of the largest battalions on the new formation from each division2 to march tomorrow morning seven ô clock to West-Point furnished with two days provision—They take their Arms and Packs, only, with them.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the following additional general orders just before the “After Orders”: “A Corporal & four men from the Maryland line to mount as a Guard near Earl’s—they will receive direction at General Putnam’s quarters.
“The Maryland line gives the fatigue for the Forage Master General tomorrow & next day.
“Forty men, properly officered, from the Virginia line to be constantly employed on the road to Slott’s Tavern ’till they have completely repaired it that distance” (orderly book, 22 Dec. 1778–26 June 1779, DNA: RG 93, Orderly Books, 1775–1783, vol. 28).
1. For GW’s assignment of the 2d Pennsylvania Brigade to this detached duty, see General Orders, 13 June.
2. For this new formation of battalions from the Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania divisions, see General Orders, 12 June.