To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles Scott, 10 June 1779
From Brigadier General Charles Scott
Powhatan County [Va.] June 10th 1779
I am Just from Petersburg where We have Colected about thirteen Hundred men Old soldiers included.1 we wait the arival of the Arms &c. which is hourly expected, when they Come to hand one Battallion will be instantly Put in motion. the remainder of the troops I am Fearfull will be detaind Some time for want of their Clothing Such as Shirts Shoes & Stockings all of which we are very short of.2 I have proposd to the Govr & Counsil to pay them money in lue of them & that I would indeavour to prevail on them to take it. But have not Yet had their answer.3 Your Excellency may be assurd that I Will put them in motion as Soon as possable my affars was put in some train for going on to Head Quarters which obligd me to leave the Place of Randezvous for two or three days I shall return again tomorrow when I Shall Be Constantly found untill the whole of the troops March. I am Your Excellencys Obt Servant
Chs Scott
1. Scott was in Virginia recruiting troops for service in the South (see GW to Scott, 5 and 25 May; see also GW to Scott, 6 March).
2. For previous problems with the supply of clothes, see Scott to GW, 24 and 28 April, and 12 and 18 May.
3. Virginia governor Thomas Jefferson responded to Scott in a letter of 21 June, written at Williamsburg, that outlined his past efforts to procure clothing and added “that the linen therein mentioned as coming from Petersburgh is come and making up. The issues of shoes to all other persons have been stopped from that time, so that these also are under preparation. Nevertheless, as after every effort it is probable we shall not be able to supply every thing we wish you could compromise with as many as possible at the following prices fixed by the assembly the 19th. inst. A coat £23–10—a waistcoat £10–15—a pr. of breeches £9–5—a Shirt £9–8—a hat £5—a pr. of Stocking 30/—a pr. of shoes £5” ( 3:7–9).