George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Peter Scull, 25 May 1779

To Peter Scull

Head Quarters Middlebrook 25th May 1779.


I have duly received your favors of the 10th and 19th—with their several transmissions.1

Inclosed is a report of a board of officers on the relative rank of Capns Finney and McClelan with their commissions.2 You will be pleased to alter their respective dates agreeable to the report.

A number of resignations accompany this;3 you will return commissions for the officers that rise in succession. I am Sir &


Df, in James McHenry’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

2The enclosed report has not been identified. McHenry had written to the Pennsylvania field officers from headquarters at Middlebrook on 9 May: “His Excellency desires you to take into consideration the dispute of rank between Capn Finney & Capn McLeland—with such othere claims of officers as may be connected or involved in their dispute—and to report on the same. I herewith transmit you all the papers respecting the matter” (DLC:GW).

3The enclosed letters of resignation have not been identified.

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