George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel Goose Van Schaick, 9 May 1779

To Colonel Goose Van Schaick

Head Qrs Middle Brook May 9th 1779


On friday, by the favor of General Schuyler, I had the pleasure to receive a Copy of your Letter to him of the 24th Ulto and of the Minutes and proceedings in the expedition against Onondago.1 You will find my sentiments respecting the enterprize—and the conduct of the whole party in it—expressed in the inclosed Copy of the order issued when I received General Schuyler’s Letter.2 I am sir with regard & esteem Yr Most Obedt sert

Go: Washington

Is the artillery and rifle corp to march with the Troops?

Df, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Harrison wrote and then crossed out the following additional text: “Your conduct—and that of the Officers and Men engaged in this affair—do you great honor—and merit my warm acknowledgements.”

2Friday was 7 May. In his first letter to Philip Schuyler of 10 May, GW indicated that he had received Schuyler’s letter of 27 April—which contained the correspondence relating to Van Schaick’s expedition against Onondaga, N.Y.—on 9 May; but GW issued the general orders praising Van Schaick and his men on 8 May, so the date of receipt that he gives in this letter to Van Schaick is most likely correct.

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