From George Washington to Brigadier General John Glover, 11 March 1779
To Brigadier General John Glover
Head Quarters Middle Brook 11th March 1779
Congress have answered your request for liberty to resign by a Resolve of wh. the inclosed is Copy.1 If you accept of the offer, I have only to request you will join your Brigade as soon as the situation of your domestic Affairs will permit.2 I am &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. The enclosure has not been identified, but Congress passed a resolution on 27 Feb., after reading GW’s letter to John Jay of 24 Feb. and Glover’s letter to GW of 28 Jan., that reads: “That Congress, sensible of Brigadier General Glover’s past merit, and in expectation of his future services, direct the Commander in Chief to indulge him with a furlough for such time as may be necessary to settle his private affairs” ( , 13:259; see also Glover to GW, 28 Jan., as well as John Jay to GW, 2 March [second letter], and n.1 to that document).
2. Glover replied to GW in a letter of 2 April saying that he accepted the offer of a furlough.