To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan, 4 September 1778
From Major General John Sullivan
Head Qrs Providence Septr 4th 78
Dear General
I am sorry to inform your Excellency of a Disscontent which at present prevails among the Officers of Webbs and Sherburnes Regiments—They have lately been so clamorous as to verge towards quitting the Service, & I am really apprehensive, that we shall lose many valuable Officers by Resignations if a speedy Redress is not had for their Grievances. Their uneassiness seems to have arisen from comparing their Situation with that of those Regiments, which are acknowledgd and provided for by their Respective States, at a considerable discount while they are considerd as belonging to no particular State, & are neglected by the whole—Many of them (if we may judge from their Appearance,) have great reason to complain—Your Excellency will be pleasd to mention this Circumstance to Congress & use your Influence for a more liberal Provision for those Officers & Men who have in our late Action so greatly distinguishd themselves. I have the honor to be, with the utmost Regard Yr Excellencys most obedt humble Servt
Jno. Sullivan