George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Temple, 8 August 1778

From Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Temple

[Virginia] August 8th 1778.


I am exceedly unhappy to find in your’s to Colo. Bland of July 22d, after all the pains and fatigue I have taken to be censured about the clothing of the Regt; I do not know what Colo. Bland has inform’d your Excelly nor do I know what is meant, by the greatest part of the clothing, I have engaged should have been apply’d for other purposes, by Mr Finne, he only made use of one hundred & thirty four Shirts, after I had given him a receipt for them, I can with truth, assure yr Excelly that altho I lost many articles, that I had engaged, when I first came in, for the want of money, I have long since compleated that business, with a sufficient quantity of every article to compleatly cloath every man, in the Regt except Boots, they may want a few pair, which I inform’d your Excelly were not be had,1 and I doubt not but they will be as well equipt as Colo. Moylands, or Colo. Sheldens Regts, and might been at Camp two months ago, if I had not received orders from Colo. Mead and Colo. Bland to remain in Virga to assist him in purchasing accoutrements, which was by no means agreeable, as the Tradsmen expect ready money, for every thing they do, and I have not yet been furnish’d with money to comply with my engagments for the clothing, and not one shilling till the month of June, I got Ten thousand Dollars of Mr Finne, I have engaged Sixty setts of accoutrements, which will be compleat in ten days, and have promised the tradsmen, they shall have the money as soon as the work is finished, On application to Colo. Bland, who promised to pay the money when done, he informs me he is quite out, and has sent me an order on Colo. Baylor which he refuses to pay, in this disagreeable situation have I been ever since I have been in Virga the inclos’d letter will show that my long stay in Virga was by no means my wish, and that I have not been imploy’d solly in procuring clothing,2 I am with great respect Yr Excelly Mo. Obt Hhble Servt

Benja. Temple

ALS, DLC:GW. Temple apparently enclosed with this letter an undated “Memd. of goods sent to Camp by Benja. Temple” (DLC:GW).

1Temple had reported his inability to purchase sufficient boots in his letter to GW of 20 Feb. 1778.

2Temple enclosed Col. Theodorick Bland’s letter to him of 27 June, which read in part: “As to your Going to Camp it is what I can by no means consent to at present. as it is not only inconsistent with the Genls orders but wd leave me altogether destitute of that aid in the Cloathing and accoutring department without which it will be utterly impracticable for me to forward the parties as required of me. if the Cloaths for the Soldiers accordg to the memorandum I gave you do not arrive at this Place before wednesday eveng I shall send off from hence a party of between fifty and Sixty Horses an⟨d⟩ 25 or 26 Men. You will be pleased to see them as well equipt as our situation will permit and forwarded to Camp. Cornet [Griffin] Fauntleroy will command the Party and they will Serve as a Guard for the Cloathg &c. As Mr [Baylor] Hill has hitherto been of little service in Recruiting or purchasing you will please to order him on here to Releive Cornt Fauntleroy. I have inclosed you [Edward] Simpsons offer; and as the engaging and seeing to the making of accoutrements will be wholly entrusted to your Care in that district shd be glad you wd immediately agree with him for the number he proposes or any greater Number if he can make them” (DLC:GW).

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