George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General Philemon Dickinson, 23 June 1778

From Major General Philemon Dickinson

Drawbridge [near Bordentown, N.J.]
23 June 1778–10 OClock [a.m.]

Dr Sir,

The enemy are advancing rapidly—one Column now near Lewis’s Mill, the others on the Bordentown Road—we killed 6, or 7, Horsemen at the former place.1 I have the honor to be, Your Excellency’s most Ob. St

Philemon Dickinson

P.S. an Express from Genl Cadwalader just arrived, requestg a supply of ammunition—shall forward one of those waggons, that was sent me.


1A British brigade order book recorded that as the British columns marched toward Crosswicks on this date, “A party of about 50 men showed themselves at a mill in Wreckels Town Creek, but upon the first appearance of the advanced guard of General Clinton’s column, went off without firing a shot, however, they exchanged several upon this column coming up to Crosswick, by which a captain of the Queen’s rangers was wounded, and one rebel killed, one wounded, and another taken, but upon our bringing up two 3-prs. belonging to the 1st battalion of light infantry, they again went off, and the 1st division advanced to Crosswick, the advanced corps under Brigadier-General Leslie being pushed towards Bordenton” (Whinyates, Services of Francis Downman description begins F. A. Whinyates, ed. The Services of Lieut.-Colonel Francis Downman, R.A., in France, North America, and the West Indies, between the Years 1758 and 1784. Woolwich, England, 1898. description ends , 66; for the fate of the wounded, see Jacob Morris to GW, 24 June). The mill was owned by Philadelphia merchant Nathaniel Lewis (b. 1748), who offered it for sale in the New-Jersey Gazette on 14 Oct. 1778: “For Sale, The ruins of a compleat Merchant Mill, (which was destroyed by the British army in their late march through New-Jersey) together with about 40 acres of Land, situate on Black’s Creek, about half a mile [south] from Borden-Town, in the county of Burlington, a healthy part of the country, distant from Philadelphia 28 miles.”

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