From George Washington to Brigadier General John Lacey, Jr., 3 May 1778
To Brigadier General John Lacey, Jr.
Head Quarters Valley Forge 3d May 1778
I received yours of yesterday giving me an account of your misfortune. You may depend that this will ever be the consequence of permitting yourself to be surprised, and if that was owing to the misconduct of the Officer who was advanced, you should have him brought to trial—It is not improbable that the Enemy, flushed with their success, will soon be out again, if you keep a strict watch upon their motions you may perhaps repay them. I am Sir Your most obt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, sold by Riba-Mobley Auctions, Inc., 15 June, 1985, item no. 262. GW signed the cover of the LS.