General Orders, 9 March 1778
General Orders
Head-Quarters V. Forge Monday March 9th 1778.
Parole: Joab—Countersigns: Ilford. Italy.
The Cloathier General will have particular regard to Morgan’s Corps, the Artillery, the sixteen Additional Battalions and the North Carolina Brigade, when the next supply of cloathing arrives as the former are not provided for by any State and the latter are so far distant from their own that they have not received any supplies from thence.
A General Court Martial whereof Brigr General McIntosh is appointed President is ordered to sit tomorrow ten oClock at the Adjutant General’s Quarters for the trial of Coll Cook charg’d with absenting himself from Camp without leave &c. &c.1 Coll Chambers, Lt Coll Carlton2 Major Hull and a Captain from each of the following Brigades, (viz.) 1st Pennsylvania, Poor’s, Scott’s, Weedon’s, Maxwell’s, Conway’s, Huntington’s, Varnum’s and Glover’s are to attend as Members; All Persons concern’d will attend said Court at the time and place mentioned.3
After Orders March 9th 1778. Tomorrow morning will be issued from the Pay-Office the Gratuity of one month’s Pay allowed by the honorable Congress to the Officers and soldiers who remain’d in Camp during the Winter.4 The Regimental Pay-Masters are to call upon the Pay-Master General for the same; They are also notified that a few tickets in the Continental Lottery are to be had at the Pay-Office if applied for soon—The drawing of said Lottery will absolutely commence May next.5
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. For the result of Col. William Cooke’s court-martial, see General Orders, 14 March.
2. Samuel Carleton (Carlton; 1731–1804), who had been commissioned a lieutenant colonel in July 1776, apparently was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 12th Massachusetts Regiment in November 1776, and he served in that capacity until 1 April 1779.
3. Brig. Gen. Edward Hand’s orderly book adds at this point, “A Gill of rum or Whiskey ⅌ Man to be Issued tomorrow to the Troops who are not under Inoculation” (DNA: RG 93, Orderly Books, 1775–1783, vol. 21).
4. For the resolution of 30 Dec. 1777 granting extra pay, see , 9:1068.
5. On 18 Nov 1776 the Continental Congress had authorized a lottery “intended to raise a sum of money on loan, bearing an annual interest of four per cent. which, with the sums arising from the deduction, is to be applied for carrying on the present most just and necessary war, in defence of the lives, liberties and property of the inhabitants of these United States.” The original plan called for the sale of 100,000 tickets with a drawing to commence on 1 Mar. 1777 “or sooner, if sooner full” ( , 6:960–61). Sales, however, did not go well, and the lottery was postponed in December 1776, April, August, and October 1777, and January 1778 (see ibid., 6:1007, 7:225, 8:619, 9:775, 10:24–25). The January postponement had rescheduled the lottery for 1 May 1778, and lottery managers began drawing tickets at the courthouse in York, Pa., at 10 A.M. on that date (Pennsylvania Gazette [York], 2 May 1778).