To George Washington from Thomas Johnson, 22 February 1778
From Thomas Johnson
Annapolis 22d February 1778.
I this Moment received your Letter of the 16th Instant with its Inclosure I have within a few Days past received Letters on the same Subject from the Board of War and also from Members of the Congress from this State1—the first Intimation or indeed Apprehension I had of any Difficulty in your Supplies of provisions was about the tenth of January and every Assistance which I thought could be given by the Executive power of this State was immediately given—the Embarrasments of the Gentleman in the purchasing Department I believe have proceeded rather from the want of a preconcerted plan and timely Orders for the purchase than any other Cause however Sir as Things are circumstanced we must now look forwards for the Remedy I am glad Henry Hollingsworth is employed and shall in a few Days send some provisions to him the Assembly is to sit in a few Days and I have no doubt but what can be spared from this State will be collected and forwarded2 I hope Virginia and Maryland can and will yet supply the Army if they can be fed for a little while with what is [in] the neighbourhood. With the greatest Respect and Esteem—I have the Honor to be Your Excellencys most obedt hble Servt
Th. Johnson
ALS, DLC:GW. Robert Hanson Harrison docketed the letter “no Ansr necessary.”
1. A letter to Johnson from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates of 10 Feb. and one to him from delegates Francis Dana, Nathaniel Folsom, John Harvie, and Gouverneur Morris of 16 Feb. are in , 486–87, 503; see also the Maryland council’s letter to Gates of 18 Feb., ibid., 505–7.
2. For legislation passed by the Maryland assembly for the supply of provisions to GW’s army, see GW to Johnson, 16 Feb., n.3.