To George Washington from John Hancock, 14 October 1777
From John Hancock
York Town: Pennsylvania October 14th 1777.
I have been duely honored with your several Favours of the 7th 8th and 10th continued to the 11th in the Order of their respective Dates, and immediately laid them before Congress.
I have ordered one Thousand Copies of the Resolves relative to putting a Stop to any Intercourse between the Enemy in Philada and the disaffected among us, to be printed at Lancaster, and to be forwarded thence to you for the Use of the Army.1
Having Nothing more in Charge from Congress, I shall only refer your Attention to the enclosed Resolves,2 and assure you, that I am with the utmost Respect & Esteem, Sir your most obed. hble Serv.
John Hancock Presidt
LS, DLC:GW; LB, DNA:PCC, item 12A.
1. For these resolutions of 8 Oct., see Hancock’s first letter to GW of 9 October.
2. Hancock enclosed resolutions of 13 Oct. authorizing the payment of $300,000 to the paymaster general for the use of the army, confirming the ranks given to the French officers who had accompanied Du Coudray to America, and directing the Board of War to request the cooperation of the executive powers of Pennsylvania in obtaining shoes, stockings, and other necessities for the army (DLC:GW; see also , 9:798–99).