To Brigadier General Alexander McDougall or the Officer Commanding the Detachment Marching from Peekskill, 14 September 1777
To Brigadier General Alexander McDougall or the Officer Commanding the Detachment Marching from Peekskill
Camp near Schylkill [Pa.] 14th Septr 1777
I have just reciev’d the inclosed information from General Dickinson through Congress,1 and in consequence, desire that you will, if the Enemy should appear in force and have more in view than to plunder and distress the Country, join Genl Dickinson with the detachment under your command and give every opposition to the Enemy in their march through the Jersey’s you possibly can. The public Stores which from time to time have been sent up the Delaware to Trenton &c. is an object of much moment and will claim your attention.
If Genl Dickinson’s Intelligence should prove erroneous, or these parties should have returned back to Staten-Island you are in either of these cases to move forward & join the Army under my command with all possible expedition. I am Sir Your most Obedt Ser.
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, CSmH; ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW addressed the cover of the LS: “To Brigr Genl McDougal—or Officer Commanding the Detachmt Marchg from Peekskill through Jerseys,” and he franked it.
1. See Philemon Dickinson to Hancock, 13 Sept., in Hancock to GW, 14 Sept. (first letter), n.1.