General Orders, 12 July 1777
General Orders
Head Quarters, Pompton-Plains [N.J.] July 12th 1777.
Parole: Baskenridge.Countersigns: Blandford.
As the foul weather prevents the marching of the troops to day, they are to draw two days provisions, and cook them immediately.
Complaint has been made to the Commander in Chief that some soldiers pull down the fences to burn; and lay open the fields of the Inhabitants—He enjoins it upon the officers to use the utmost watchfulness and care to prevent this practice; and whoever is found guilty of it shall be severely punished.
The same orders that were given last evening are to determine and regulate the march to morrow.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The copy of the general orders kept for the Pennsylvania State Regiment contains the following after orders: “The morning gun will not be fired tomorrow morning. As usual the tents are not to be struck ’till dry. The firing of one field piece to be the signal to march, strike tents and prepare to march; two field pieces fired, to begin the march. When the Army marches the Deputy Qr. Mr. Grl. and his assistant from each Division are to go forward, the Qr. Mr. Genl. to lay out the ground for encampment” (“Pa. State Regiment Orderly Book,” 203).