From George Washington to Brigadier Generals John Glover and Alexander McDougall, 20 June 1777
To Brigadier Generals John Glover and Alexander McDougall
Head Quarters Middle Brook 20th June 1777.
The Enemy decamped, the night before last, & have returned to their former position from Amboy to Brunswick. This appears to have been in consequence of a sudden resolution, as they had been employ’d in raising a chain of redoubts from Sommerset to Brunswick; which they wou’d not have done, had they at first intended to abandon their new Ground in so short a time.1 What may have determined them to change their plan it is hard to tell; whether they might have been alarmed by the animation among the People, which brought them together in considerable numbers & disappointed in the movements they may have expected us to make,2 thence concluding their design impracticable; or whether they may have an operation against some other Quarter in view, the event must show. In the meantime, I think it necessary to be upon our Guard against any sudden expedition up the North river, & therefore desire you will if you have advanc’d any distance from Peeks kill halt where you are & proceed no further—if you are near that Post return to it, or if you have not cross’d the river you are of course to continue where you are. I am Sir Your most Obet Servant
Go: Washington
LS, addressed to Glover, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, NjR: New Jersey Letters; LS, addressed to McDougall, CSmH; Df, addressed to McDougall and Glover, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. The copy in CSmH reads “new station.”
2. The copy in CSmH reads “respectible numbers.”