George Washington Papers

General Orders, 14 June 1777

General Orders

Head Quarters, Middle-Brook, June 14th 1777.

Parole: Salisbury.Countersigns: Sheffield.

As the enemy appear, from different quarters, to be in motion, it is necessary that the army be in readiness to march, it is therefore ordered, that the tents be immediately struck; the baggage and camp equipage loaded; the horses to the waggons, and all the men paraded at their respective encampments, ready to move at a moment’s warning.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Additional orders were issued to the brigadier generals later on this date directing that “all Waggons, with Officers Baggage Commissary & Q. M. Genl Stores be immediately ordered to the Waggon Park, between head Quarters & the Q. M. Genl, where they will be formed in their Order for taking up the line of March, & receive their Instructions from Colo. Mifflin. The Tents, Poles, & Camp Kettles to be loaded seperate from the Baggage, for which each Regiment is to Reserve Waggons in proportion to their Strength, allowing a four horse Waggon to not less than One hundred & twenty or more than One hundred & fifty Men. the Waggons with Intrenching Tools & Axes alotted to each Division to Remain With them” (Clement Biddle to Charles Scott, 14 June 1777, PPIn).

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