General Orders, 26 May 1777
General Orders
Head-Quarters, Morristown, May 26th 1777.
Parole: Louisinia.Countersign: Menden.
It being omitted (thro’ mistake) in the Orders of the 22nd Instant, to mention the Brigadiers that command in Major General Lord Stirling’s division—Brigadier Genl Conway takes command of the 3rd 6th 9th and 12th Pennsylva Regts and Col. Spencer’s regiment, which compose his brigade—And Genl Maxwell of the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Jersey regiments, which form his brigade.
Peter Tarling Esqr: is appointed Brigade Major, to Brigadier Genl Conway; and to be respected and obeyed as such.1
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
For the general orders that Gen. Nathanael Greene issued on this date at Middlebrook, N.J., where he was establishing a new camp to be occupied by the army, see “Muhlenberg’s Orderly Book,” 33:258; see also “Heth’s Orderly Book,” 341–42. Those orders include the appointment of Maj. Michael Ryan as acting deputy adjutant general at Middlebrook and instructions for the duties to be performed by him and the brigade majors at the new camp.
1. Peter Taarling, who had been a member of the Georgia provincial congress in 1775, became deputy quartermaster for Georgia in the fall of 1777 (see Taarling to Hancock, 7 Oct. 1777, DNA:PCC, item 78).