From George Washington to Joseph Trumbull, 18 February 1777
To Joseph Trumbull
Head Quarters Morris town 18th Feby 1777
Notwithstanding all my endeavours to keep the Commissary’s department in some kind of order, I find that there is the utmost necessity for your immediate presence and interposition to prevent every thing from running into a State of distraction.
There are a number of deputy Commissaries (appointed by I know not whom) bidding upon each other, till they have raised the price of provisions to a most extravagant Rate.
I dont know how true the charge may be, but Wharton is the subject of universal Complaint, they say he has a Commission upon the amount of his purchases, and cares not what price he gives.
I can therefore only say again that your presence alone can releive me from my present distress, and save the Continent Millions. I am Sir Yr most obt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, Ct: Joseph Trumbull Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The LS is addressed in part to “Joseph Trumbull Esqr. Commissary General Connecticut.” Trumbull had been in Hartford from early January to about mid-February 1777 but was in Boston on this date (see Trumbull to Hancock, 18 Feb., in DNA:PCC, item 78).