From George Washington to John Hancock, 14 January 1777
To John Hancock
Head Quarters Morris Town 14th Jany 1777
I embrace this Opportunity, by Mr Hopkins of informing you that the Enemy remain upon their old Ground at Amboy and Brunswic.1 Our Accounts still confirm their want of Forage, which I hope will increase. If their Horses are reduced this Winter it will be impossible for them to take the Feild in the Spring.
Genl Warner with two Regiments from Massachusets are arrived here, Genl Heath with the remainder of the Troops from that State has by this time began to move down towards Kingsbridge.
I this day intend to send in a Flag with letters to Lord and Genl Howe upon the Subject of Genl Lee’s Exchange and remonstrating against the severe treatment of our prisoners. I inclose you Copies of both for your inspection and Approbation. I have the Honor to be most Respectfully Sir Your obt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DNA:PCC, item 152; Df, DLC:GW; copy, DNA:PCC, item 169; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The Continental Congress executive committee received and forwarded this letter to Hancock on 17 Jan. (
, 6:117–19), and on 22 Jan. it was read by Congress and referred to a committee consisting of Oliver Wolcott, Samuel Adams, and Elbridge Gerry ( , 7:54–55).1. See GW to Lord Howe and to William Howe, 13 January. Following the last paragraph in the draft, an additional paragraph has been struck out: “I have made Mr Hopkins an offer of a Company in one of the new Regiments to be commanded by Col: [John] Patton.” David Hopkins (1753–1824) of Maryland was commissioned a captain in the 4th Continental Dragoons on 21 Jan. 1777 and promoted to major in 1780. Hopkins served until the end of the war.