To George Washington from Joseph Trumbull, 26 November 1776
From Joseph Trumbull
North Castle [N.Y.] 26th Novr 1776
My Dear General
Inclosed is a Warrant on The Pay Master General for One hundred thousand dollrs which I beg you to Sign, & send me by the Bearer, I expect he will find Colo. Palfrey, removing into Jersey, & therefore have put a Rect on the back, that he may take the Money, from him, & bring it on here to me.1 I am with the greatest Respect Your Excellency’s most Obedient Humble Servt
Jos: Trumbull
1. GW signed this warrant on 29 Nov. (Warrant Book No. 2, DLC:GW, ser. 5, vol. 18). Robert Hanson Harrison wrote Trumbull on that date from New Brunswick informing him that “the Warrant . . . has been properly signed and delivered to the Boy who brought It, that he may receive the amount of Colo. Palfrey should he be coming this way. If he is not & should still be at Pecks Kill and you are there I have directed the Lad to deliver It to you. I have nothing very particular to communicate to you. We left New Ark Yesterday morning, and in a little time after[,] the Enemy entered. We arrived here” (DLC:GW).