General Orders, 21 March 1776
General Orders
Head Quarters, Cambridge, March 21st 1776
Parole New-York.Countersign Hallifax
Learnards and Cary’s Regiments, are to march this Afternoon and relieve the Troops upon Dorchester Heights, where those Regiments are to remain in Garrison, until further orders1—The Dep. Qr Mr Genl will provide Carriages from Roxbury, and provisions are order’d by the Commissary General to be stored upon the heights.2
The Details for the Roxbury, and Cambridge Departments, will be deliver’d to the Majors of brigade, with this days orders.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. Artemas Ward’s orderly book reads ‘Parsons & Carys Regts” (MHi). Col. Simeon Carey (1719–1802) of Bridgewater, who served as a provincial officer during the French and Indian War, commanded one of the Massachusetts militia regiments that had recently reinforced the Continental army.
2. Artemas Ward’s orderly book reads “the Heights of Dorchester” (MHi). The deputy quartermaster general was probably John Parke, who was stationed at Roxbury.