George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Burwell Bassett, 28 February 1776

To Burwell Bassett

Cambridge 28th Feby 1776

Dear Sir

It was with great pleasure I recieved your favor of the 27th ulto thereby learning that all our friends at Eltham are well.

I thank you heartily for the attention you have kindly paid to my landed affairs on the Ohio, my interest in which I shall be more Careful of as in the worst event, they will serve for an Asylum.

Few things of importance have occurred here of late, & to trouble you with my own difficulties & the distresses which occur for want of such articles as are necessary in military operations—Can Answer no good purpose, & therefore I shall decline it.

We are preparing to take possession of a post (which I hope to do in a few days—if we Can get provided with the means) which will, it is generally thought bring on a rumpus between us & the enemy, but whether it will or not—time only Can show—It is believed by many that the troops are preparing for a removal from Boston—it being Certain that they are watering & fitting up their vessels for the reception of the Crew, & have actually put some of their heavy ordnance on board; but whether this is for deception or to prepare against orders that may arrive, I know not.

Mrs Washington Says that she has wrote all the news she Could get (and ladies you know are never at a loss) to Mrs Bassett—to her letter therefore I refer you & with Sincere regard for her—the children—Mr & Mrs Dandridge1 &c. I remain, with every sentiment of esteem & affection, Dr Sir, your most obdt & obliged

Go. Washington

Transcript, ViHi.

1Martha Washington’s brother Bartholomew Dandridge (1737–1785) and his wife Mary Burbidge Dandridge (d. 1809) lived near the Bassetts in New Kent County, Virginia.

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