From George Washington to John Adams, 7 January 1776
To John Adams
Cambridge Januy 7th 1776
Dr Sir
You will excuse me for reminding you of our conversation the other evening, when I inform’d you that General Lee’s departure for New York is advisable upon the Plan of his Letter, & under the Circumstance I thene mention’d, ought not to be delayed. In giving me your opinion of this matter I have no doubt of your takeing a comprehensive view of it. That is you will not only consider the propriety of the measure, but of the execution. wheter such a step, tho right in itself may not be look’d upon as beyond my Line—&c.—&⟨ca.⟩1
If it could be made convenient & agrea⟨ble⟩ to you to take Pot Luck with me to day I shall ⟨be very⟩ glad of your company & we can then talk the ⟨matter ov⟩er at Large—Please to forward Genl Lee’s Letter to me. I am—&c.
LB, in George Lewis’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Mutilated words in the letter-book copy are supplied within angle brackets from the Varick transcript.
1. GW apparently wrote this letter before he received Adams’s letter of the previous day which answered his queries. For Charles Lee’s proposals regarding the defense of New York, see Lee to GW, 5 Jan. 1775.