George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Charles Webb, 23 October 1775

From Colonel Charles Webb

Camp on Winter Hill Octor 23d 1775


According to your Excellency’s Desire, I have made Enquiry among my Officers, and find them in general willing to comply with your Excelency’s Request.1

The Officers of the several Companies have not had Time, as yet, to find out the Disposition of their Soldiers, I shall use my utmost Influence to have your Excellency’s Request comply’d with, and as soon as I can possibly ascertain the precise Number, will give your Excelencys Information. I am Your Excellencys most humble Servt

Charles Webb

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 152. GW enclosed this letter and those from Samuel Holden Parsons and Experience Storrs of this date in his letter to Hancock of 2 November.

Charles Webb (1724–1794) of Stamford commanded the 7th Connecticut Regiment. He resigned his commission in March 1778.

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