George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, February 1774

Cash Accounts

[February 1774]

Feby 2— To Ditto [cash] recd from Mr Geo: Johnson on Acct of David Kennedys Rent1 [£] 35.10.3
To Ditto recd from Bryan Allison Smiths wk 0. 2.0
4— To Ditto recd from Govr Eden—on acct of the money wch I paid Colo. Carlyle & Mr Campbell for him2 32.15.0
19— To Ditto of Mr John Baynes on acct of James Towers’s Land3 5.12.2
21— To Cash recd from Captn [Thomas] Conway 40. 0.0
To Ditto recd from Messrs Jenifer & Hooe for 200 Barls Supr fine Burr Flour Nett weight 40906 @ 2d. & Cask 357.11.04
25— To Ditto recd from Doctr Craik his Propn of the Exps. of Suryg the Ohio Lds 8. 3.4
To Cash recd from Mr Thos Gist5 0.12.0
28— To Ditto won at Cards 2.10.0
Feby 2— By a pattern of Velveret for Breeches6 0.16.4
By Cash paid John Alton 6. 0.0
By Ditto paid Bryan Allison 9 days wk 1.10.0
4— By Ditto paid Mr [Benedict] Calvert the Price of a Joiner bought by him for me7 36. 0.0
By Servants 0. 9.0
12— By Colo. [George] Muse’s order to Captn Wm Crawford8 22.16.8
21— By Cash pd Mr Jas Mercers order to Mr William Brent9 125. 0.0
22— By Sundry Charges in Mr [Robert] Hooes acct 6. 6.0
By Cash paid Mr Thomas Flemming10 6. 0.0
By Cash paid Mr [John] Fitzgerald for a Sattin cloak £3 and 2 lbs. Hyson Tea £2 5. 0.0
By 20 Bushls of Oysters 1. 0.0
26— By Cash paid Captn [William] Crawford11 13.15.6
By Ditto—paid Willm Roberts12 7. 0.0
By Chas Turner Cleaning my watch 0. 3.0
28— By Cash paid Captn Pollock13 50. 0.0
By 12 lbs. Hyson, & 1 lb. Congo Tea @ 16/ & 12/14 10. 4.0
By Travelling Exps. up to, & down from Berkeley &ca Including £2.0.5 Tavn Exps. at Thos Wests & 12/ pd for takg up my Horses wch were lost there15 4.15.7
By Servants in the above journey16 0. 9.0

AD, General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 105.

4According to GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends the amount was £357.5.0 for the flour “@ 16/8.”

5This was for money paid on 29 Sept. 1772 to Charles Turner for repairing Gist’s watch (Cash Accounts, September 1772).

6Velveret was a fustian with a velvet surface, similar to velveteen.

10According to GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends this was “for a Smiths Bellows.” Thomas Fleming (d. 1786) was a shipwright, formerly of Annapolis and now of Alexandria.

11This was “on Acct of Surveying the 200,000 of Ld” (Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends ).

12GW paid this money “pr Thos Alford” (Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends ).

13This money was paid “on Acct of the Ann & Elizabeth—pr Acct” (Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends ). See GW to Daniel Jenifer Adams, 20 July 1772, n.1. Thomas Pollock was master of the ship when it returned from the West Indies.

14GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends indicates that this money for the tea was sent to George Digges.

15GW made his trip up country in March when he stayed at Thomas West’s and lost his horses. See Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:238–40.

16GW failed to note that on 24 Feb. he paid the Truro Parish vestry £29.10 current money: £16 for pew no. 28, “situate between the two long Isles, & adjoining the North Isle & the Space before the Communion Table,” which he had bought in the new church near Pohick Creek on 20 Nov. 1772; and £13.10 for pew no. 29, “between the two long Isles, & adjoining the north Isle & the first mentioned pew,” which Lund Washington bought for GW (indenture with Truro Parish, 24 Feb. 1774, DLC: Miscellaneous Collection, Truro Parish). The receipt for the £29.10 is also dated 24 Feb., and both indenture and receipt are signed by all members of the vestry except GW and were proved in court on 22 Mar. 1774.

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