From George Washington to Jonathan Boucher, 5 August 1773
To Jonathan Boucher
Mount Vernon Augt 5th 1773.
Dear Sir,
Under cover with this Letter I send you a Bill of Excha: on Robt Cary & Co. for £65 Sterlg, which is the amount of your acct at 66⅔, more than which the Govr told me might be had for good Bills.1 I have made no deduction for the sums of £1.5.0 & £2.6.0 Virga Curry paid Rind & Purdie on your Acct nor of £1.4.0 York Cy paid Gaine, Whose receipt I now Inclose; as, to the best of my recollection, I formerly did the other two—these Sums you can pay me at some other time.2 In the meanwhile please to give me a receipt at the foot of Mr Custis’s Acct (Inclos’d) for the Sum now paid.3
I hope this Letter will find you easd of the Pains, you complaind of in your last, and that you may find it convenient, if Govr Eden Inclines to make me a visit from your House to accompany him.4 Mrs Washington joins me in Affecte Compliments to Mrs Miss Boucher and your self & I am with very great regard Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt
Go: Washington
1. See Boucher to GW, 2 Aug., and GW to Robert Cary & Co., 5 August. On 5 Aug. GW wrote in his : “Also charge the Revd Mr Boucher with a Bill of Exchange of £65 Sterlg drawn this 5th Augt on Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. on Acct of Mr Jno. P. Custis.”
3. The receipted account has not been found.
4. Gov. Robert Eden and a large party from Maryland visited Mount Vernon from 27 to 29 Aug., but Boucher did not accompany them.