George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, July 1773

Cash Accounts

[July 1773]

July 8— To Cash recd from Colo. [George William] Fairfax for Smiths work £ 5. 1.4
To Ditto recd of Do Taylor’s acct1 0.15.0
10— To Ditto recd of Thos Logan in acct with Colo. [John] Carlyle2 23. 8.2
13— To Ditto recd from Colo. Carlyle Balle of Waggonage Acct 5. 4.9
24— To Cash recd for 10 lbs. of Wool 0.12.6
3— By John Cannon for Balle of an Acct3 5.19.4
By Ditto on acct of Mr [John Parke] Custis 0. 3.5
4— By John Prescot making Shoes 4. 2.6
10— By Mr William Roberts 12. 0.0
13— By Messrs Carlyle & Dalton’s acct 10.15.2
By a Taylor 1 day Working 0. 3.0
16— By Servants 0. 2.6
17— By Charity 1. 0.0
By Bryan Allison Balle of acct 0.15.4
By Ditto against Mr Custis 0.15.0
23— By Willm Ogden for 6 B[ushe]ls of Wheat—M. 1. 4.0
By Lawson Parkers Wife delivg Silla4 0.10.0
By Cash to Mrs Washington 5. 0.0
28— By Cash paid Mrs Roberts for Mr Custis5 0.12.0
By Ditto paid Bryan Allison for J.W.6 0. 6.0
By Mrs Washington 0. 7.6

AD, General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 91.

1This is probably an account which GW kept for work done by his indentured tailor, Andrew Judge, for other people.

2Thomas Logan of Alexandria, who in 1772 bought from GW flour valued at £52.15.8, paid £29.7.6 on 28 April 1773. On 10 July 1773 Logan took care of the remainder of his debt by an “Allowance in Acct with Colo. [John] Carlyle” (General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 57).

3John Cannon was a saddler with whom GW had an account for some years. See Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends , 7:441, 461, 499; General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 251; and General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 22.

4Lawson Parker’s wife Dorcas (or Dorchas) Parker acted as midwife to GW’s slaves at other times. See General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 149 and 156.

5In his Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends GW indicates that this money is paid to Mary Roberts for “making Stocks” for young Custis. Mary Roberts may be the wife of GW’s miller, William Roberts.

6GW paid six shillings to “Bryan Allison [for] carrying your [John Augustine Washington’s] Mare up to Berkeley” (General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 12).

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