George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, November 1772

Cash Accounts

[November 1772]

Novr 15— To Cash won at Cards £ 0.10. 0
16— To Ditto recd from Carter Braxton Esqr. Intt of his Bond due Miss Custis 52.10. 0
17— To Ditto recd from Peyton Randolph Esqr. Intt of his Bond due Mr Custis 15.12. 6
To Cash recd of Mr Jno. Carter towards prosecug his Decd Bror Claim to Land under his Majestys Proclamn1 6. 0. 0
To Ditto recd from Mr Jas Hill viz. Balle of Acct as settled, due G. W——n £23.3.9 Ditto Do due J.P.C. 140.9.8 over & above the Ballances 59.5.9 222.19. 2
18— To Ditto recd from Jno. Polson by Alexr Craig his Attorney on Acct of the Soldr Land 10.10. 0
20— To Ditto recd from Mr James Hill on acct of Mr Custis’s Estate 159. 6. 0
25— To Ditto recd from Colo. Andw Lewis on acct of the Soldiers Land 17.12. 3
To Ditto Recd from Doctr [James] Craik on same Acct 11.13. 3
2— By Charity 0. 3. 0
By Cards 0. 5. 0
By Postage & Coffee 0. 2. 0
By a Quire of Paper 2/6 Buckle Brush 1/3 0. 3. 9
3— By Bossus Acct of Louisiana 2 Vols. 1. 0. 0
By Churchills Sermons 0. 7. 6
By Byrons Voyage round the world2 0. 2. 6
By Club at Mrs Vobes 0. 5. 0
7— By Cash paid Captn Wm Crawford3 31.15. 0
By Ditto paid Ditto on my private Acct 9.12. 0
13— By Club at Mrs Vobes 0. 6. 0
By Cleaning my Watch 0. 5. 0
By Mr Jno. Blair Clerk of the Council on Acct of the Soldier’s Land 5. 0. 0
15— By Club at the Coffee House 0. 5. 0
16— By Cash to Mr Custis 7. 4. 0
By Cost of seeing Wax work 0. 7. 6
By Ditto Do Puppit Shew 0.11. 6
By Servants at Sundry times 0.16. 34
By a pair of Shoes for Will 0. 8. 0
By Sundries from Doctr [William] Pasteur’s Shop 0. 7. 6
17— By 1 lb. of Hair Powder 0. 2. 0
By Club at Andersons 0. 4. 8
20— By Shoeing my Horses 0. 2. 6
By Mr Southalls Acct 4.16.11
By my Board at Mr Charlton’s 4.10. 0
By Mr Custis’s Board at Ditto 2.10. 0
By my travellg Expens. from Wmsburg home 3.12. 2
Mr Custis’s Ditto Ditto 0.12. 3
Miss Custis’s Ditto Ditto 0. 5. 6
By Cash paid [Thomas] Everard Patent Fees on the 200,000 Acres of Land retd to the Off[ic]e5 20.16. 0
22— By a Musick Book for Miss Custis6 0. 6. 6
By Cash to Mr Custis in Wmsburg 3. 0. 0
By 2 Bottles Norris’s Drops for Miss Custis 1. 0. 0
27— By Cash pd Michl Robinson Junr for Mr Geo: Thornton’s Smiths Acct Rappak Qrs7 3.15. 8
By Cash paid my Mother 15. 0. 0
By Charity 0. 3. 0
29— By Servants 0. 3. 6

AD, General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 61–62.

1Ens. Thomas Carter, who served at the surrender at Fort Necessity as a sergeant in Jacob Van Braam’s company, was killed on 18 April 1756 in a skirmish with the Indians near the Cacapon River. GW returned the £6 (Cash Accounts, December 1772).

2Jean Bernard Bossu’s Travels through That Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana: Translated from the French by John Reinhold Forster (London, 1771) and Charles Churchill’s Sermons (London, 1765) are listed in the inventory of GW’s library made after his death. John Byron’s Voyage round the World, in the Years 1764–5–6, in His Majesty’s Sloop the Dolphin was published in London in 1767.

3In his General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 36, GW noted that he paid William Crawford £31.15 in cash “at Colo. Bassetts for Balle of an Acct then rend[ere]d agst the Officers & Soldiers” of the Virginia Regiment of 1754. Crawford was with GW at Eltham all day on 7 Nov., and this was in payment for Crawford’s survey of the land for the veterans.

4This item, as well as other similar ones, is broken down further in GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends .

5GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends specifies thirteen patents. An itemized receipt dated 13 Nov. and docketed by GW “Mr Thos Everard’s Rect for Surveys into the Secretarys Office & the Fees thereon” is in ICHi.

6This was bought “at King Wm Ct House” (Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends ).

7GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends reads: “for Smiths Acct due Mr George Thornton.” Thornton and Robinson were both from Spotsylvania County. Thornton, a brother-in-law of Charles Washington, was a prominent businessman in Fredericksburg.

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