George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Samuel Washington, 28 July 1772

To Samuel Washington

July 28th 1772.

Dear Brother,

I should be much obliged to you for your care of those matters committed to Mr Johnston, respecting my Tenants; that is, that you would be kind enough to see that they go properly on; as I find Mr Johnston had other Suits against Kennedy besides my Distress ⟨wch⟩ may possibly be the cause of the Sheriffs delay in Serving it.1

You disappointed us greatly in not seeing you down according to promise—My Love, in which Mrs Washington & Miss Custis join is offered to you my Sister &ca and I am Dr Sir Yr Most Affecte Br.

Go: Washington


1George Johnston collected rents for GW; David Kennedy, a tenant on part of GW’s Bullskin land, was in arrears. See GW to Samuel Washington, 6 Dec. 1771, n.5. In his “Plan of the Tenements on the South Fork of Bullskin” (CSmH), which is undated but probably made in 1772, GW’s sketch shows the lots, or tracts, being leased to Joseph Kerlin, Abraham Swanger, William Peterson, Jacob “Fryer” [Fry], William Bartlett, and Kennedy, as well as the one sold to Philip Pendleton in January 1772 (see Edmund Pendleton to GW, 19 Dec. 1772, n.1).

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