George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, June 1772

Cash Accounts

[June 1772]

June  1— To Ditto [cash] from Colo. Saml Washington on Acct of Interest due to Mr Custis £75. 0.0
3— To Ditto of Colo. Saml Washington for J[ames] Cleveland 5.14.9
To Ditto of Lund Washington for Corn & Flour 82. 2.9
9— To Ditto Receivd for Wool 0. 6.0
10— To Ditto for Corn 1.18.3
15— To Ditto for Ditto 5 Barrls 4. 0.0
17— To Ditto from Lund Washington (Includg 45/ receivd from Jas Cleveland myself) for Corn 37. 8.9
22— To Cash of Mrs [Sally Cary] Fairfax for a Box of Claret 7.10.0
30— To Ditto recd from my Bror Jno. Washington for Interest due Mr Custis 7.10.0
To Cash Won at Cards 4.17.0
2— By Cash paid a Chain Carrier1 0. 2.6
By Cards 1. 0.0
6— By William Roberts 4. 0.0
By Jno. Prescot (wch with a Barl of Corn) is in full 2.17.9
8— By Captn Posey for his Six acres at Rovrs delight which with a Horse Saddle & Bridle is in full of his Right to the Land Houses & Ferry2 50. 0.0
9— By Cash paid Edwd Williams 3. 5.4
10— By 36 Ells Cotton Check 2.14.9
By 6 yds Blew Duffield & 2¼ thread 31/6 & 11/2 2. 2.8
13— By Doctr [William] Rumney’s acct agt Colo. [Thomas] Colvills Este 27. 9.6
By Thos William’s in full of acct to date 5.19.9
By John P. Custis 3. 0.0
By Cash paid Thomas Bishop 9. 0.0
15— By Cards 0. 8.9
16— By Mr Hough Quitrents of 12463 Acs. Ld3 15.11.7
By Eliza. Hollingsburg’s Legacy4 25.10.0
By bringing the two Horses I bot at Leesbg here 0.10.0
By Repairing my Boots in Alexa. 0. 5.0
By Pierce Bayley Sheriff 4. 1.6
By Thos Bishops Wife for delivg House Sall & Kitt 1. 0.0
By a pair of Black knee Garters 0. 1.8
By Locks &ca 0. 0.7
17— By Servants 0. 1.3
By Freight of my Whale Boat from ⟨Patuxt⟩ 0.18.0
By T. Etherington 6 day’s Work Plaistg 1.10.0
19— By a pair of Shoes for House Frank 0. 7.6
By Charity 0.12.0
24— By Doctr Rumney’s acct agt myself £15.17.6 Ditto against Mr Custis 2.10. Miss Custis 4.2. 22. 9.6

AD, General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 50, 55.

1GW on this day surveyed “the Land Captn. [David] Kennedy lives on” on Bullskin Run (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:112).

2The deed of release by which John Posey conveyed to GW the 6–acre tract on the Potomac where Posey had his ferry and where he had lived is dated 8 June 1772. The original document is in PPRF, and a transcription is in CD-ROM:GW. For the uncertainty about the ownership of the tract, see note 1 in Robert Hanson Harrison’s letter to GW of 10 Jan. 1772.

3The transcription of GW’s “List of Lands . . . in the Northern Neck” belonging to him in 1771, along with John Hough’s receipt of £15.11.7 in quitrents dated 16 June 1772, is in CD-ROM:GW at the end of 1771.

4One of the legatees of Thomas Colvill’s will was Isabelle Hollingsbury. She was bequeathed £20 current money and the lifetime use of a 158–acre tract of land on Pimmit Run in Fairfax County (Fairfax County Will Book B [1752–67], 424–32).

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