George Washington Papers

A Roll of the Officers and Soldiers in the Virginia Regiment of 1754, 30 April 1771

A Roll of the Officers and Soldiers in the Virginia Regiment of 1754

April 30th 1771

A Roll of the Officers & Soldiers who engagd in the Service of the Colony before the Battle of the Meadows (the 3d day of July 1754)—as taken from the Pay, & Muster Rolls of those times

Officers Names1 Rank Date of their Comns
Joshua Fry Colonel Feby 25th 1754
George Washington Lieutt Colo. Jany 25 Ditto
George Muse Major March 15 Ditto
Adam Stephen Captain Feby 25 Ditto
Robert Stobo Ditto Mar. 6 Ditto
Andrew Lewis Ditto Ditto 8 Ditto
Peter Hog Ditto Ditto 9 Ditto
Jacob Vanbraam Lieutenant Jany 25 Ditto
George Mercer Ditto Feby 25 Ditto
Thomas Wagener Ditto Ditto 26 Ditto
John West Ditto Ditto 27 Ditto
William Polson Ditto Ditto 28 Ditto
John Savage Ditto March 9 Ditto
James Towers Ensign Jany 25 Ditto
William Bronaugh Ditto Mar. 20 Ditto
John Mercer Ditto Ditto 26 Ditto
William Peyroune Ditto April 20 Ditto
James Craik Ditto May 23 Ditto
James Craik Surgeon Mar. 7 Ditto
John Carlyle & Depuys Commissarys Jany 25 Ditto

The above is strictly agreeable to the manner, & time of each Officer’s coming into the Service, as may be seen by the Pay Roll in the Possession of Mr Carlyle, who then acted as Paymaster. Colo. Fry’s death at Fort Cumberland (then Will’s Creek) occasioning the Command to be given to the Lieutt Colo. Sundry other changes took place in Consequence thereof.

Thomas Bullett, Willm Wright, Servd as Cadets
Soldier’s names Time of Enlisting
[A listing of the soldiers, arranged alphabetically, follows]2

Note—The foregoing contains a List of all the Soldiers which are to be found either upon the Pay Rolls, or Muster Rolls—The Party of Recruits which joind at Wills Creek after the Battle of the Meadows—The Men who receivd the present of a Pistole from the Country as an acknowledgment of their Gallant Behaviour upon that occasion—and the Detachment which marchd to Augusta sometime after the Defeat.3 By which (& there appearing to be 350 upon the Roll) it is evident there are many Men (here) Included, that are not entitled (strictly) to a share of the 200,000 acres of Land under Govr Dinwiddies Proclamn & scarce possible that any can be omitted which are—this being carefully attended to least any might be deprivd of their Right by not appearing on the List when they applied to

Go: Washington

The Letter (E) agt each Man’s name signifies his having enter’d his claim.4


1All of the officers listed here are identified in volume 1 of Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends .

2A transcription of the list is in CD-ROM:GW. GW gives the date of enlistment of each soldier, identifies noncommissioned officers by their rank, and indicates which soldiers deserted, were discharged, or were killed. Three hundred and forty-nine soldiers are named, of whom 15 were sergeants, 11 were corporals, 4 were drummers, 27 deserted, 4 were discharged, and 12 were killed. There are two other similar lists, undated, in DLC:GW, each giving some different information and including other names.

3One of the undated lists of names in DLC:GW (see note 2 above) lists separately the recruits who joined the regiment at Wills Creek after the capitulation of Fort Necessity, the men who received the pistole as an acknowledgment of their good behavior at the battle, and the men who were sent in September 1754 with Capt. Andrew Lewis to protect the Augusta County frontiers.

4There are no “E”s in this copy of the roll.

Index Entries