Enclosure: Invoice to Robert Cary & Company, 25 July 1769
Invoice to Robert Cary & Company
[Mount Vernon] July 25th 1769
Invoice of Goods to be sent (under the Restriction’s mentioned in the Letter annexd of this date) by Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. for the use of Geo: Washington—Potomack River—Virginia—viz.1
1 Pint of Universal Balsam2 4 Oz. Salt of Wormwood3 2 Oz. Murcurius Dulcis 1 lb. Blistering Plaister 1 Quart Strong Cinnamen Water 1 Pint Spirit of Hartshorne 4 Oz. of Salvolatile 4 Ditto of Spirit of Lavender 1 lb. of Powder of Tinn4 ½ lb. Ipecacuana ½ lb. powder’d Jallop 4 Oz. of Rhubarb powdered 4 lb. of Brimstone in powder Two Shillings worth of black (Court or sticking) Plaister5 25 lb. of Whiting 3 lb. of Fig Blew 4 Oz. of Cinnamon 4 Oz. of Cloves 4 Do of Nutmegs 4 Do of Mace 1 lb. of Allspice 1 Galn of best Sa[la]d Oil 6 ½ lb. Bottles of best Mustard 6 Papers best Ink powders
5 ps. brown Rolls @ 5d. 1 ps. best Oznabrigs 1 ps. Russia Drill 2 ps. Irish Linnen @ 1/ 4 ps. Do Do @ 2/ 60 Ells of as good white Russia Sheetg as can be bought for 2/ pr Yard 2 lb. of fine whited bro. thread 4 Oz. of 6d. Ditto 4 Oz. of 8d. Do 4 Oz. of 12d. Do 4 Oz. of 15d. Do 12 ps. fine tape ½ inch wide 1 Groce flat Shirt Buttons 6 fine Search bottoms 3 M Corkg Pins 3 M short wh[it]e Do 2 M Minikin Do 500 best Londn Needles—100 of wch to be No. 1 & the rest sorted from No. 6 to 10 2 Oz. black Sewing Silk 4 fine Ivory Combs 6 fine horn Do 1 dozn course Weavrs Do 4 Comb brushes 2 best kind of Cloaths Brushes 1 Sett of Weavers Brushes A pr of Womens best Jean Stays—pr Meas[ur]e A Black Russel Quilted Coat6 1 ps. dark colourd 6/4 Duffield not to exceed 2/6 pr yard 5 dozn pr best pd Hose No. 5 4 doz. pr best Do Do No. 4
10 Groce best Corks 3 pr plain & Strong Steel Nut Crakers 1 best Bell Mettle Skillet—to hold 3 Qu[ar]ts7 2 Do Do Do to hold 2 Do 1 large huntg Horn bound tight round w. sml brass Wire from one end to the other & secd in such a manr as to prevt the wires from slipg 50 best Sack Bags—Markd GW & N[umbere]d from 1 to 50 1 ps. Purple grounded Callicoe flowered with white, to be pretty & not to exceed 2/ pr yd 6 Middle-sized plated Stock Locks—@ 9/. 1 Knife Basket lined with Tinn 6 large & very strong Gardners Spades 10 lb. Sein Twine
The following Assortment of the most fashe kind of Queen’s Ware8—to wit—6 dozn Shallw Plates 3 dozn Soup Do 1 dozn Desert Ditto 16 Oval Dishes of 4 Sizes 4 round Ditto of 2 Do 4 Scollopd Ditto of Do Do 4 Oval Baking Dishes 2 large Fish Drainers 2 large Tureens & Covers 4 Sauce Bowls with Stands & Covers 4 Sauce Boats 2 Sallid Dishes 6 fruit Dishes 12 fluted Egg Cups 2 Sugar Dishes & Ladles 2 Porringers with Stands 6 Potting Pots of Difft Sizes 12 leaves or Shells for Pickles 1 Pottle Mug 2 Quart Do 4 pint Ditto 4 ½ pint Do A sett of breakfast Cups, Sawcers and Coffee Cups of a large kind (1 dozn each) with wash bowl Tea Pot &ca of the above As hansome a fowling piece 3½ feet in the Barl as can be bot for 3 Guins.9
Go: Washington
1. For the other invoices that GW enclosed, see GW to Cary, this date, n.1. Cary’s shipping invoice for these goods is dated 23 Jan. 1770.
2. The medicine universal balsam was also called true balsam and balsam of Mecca.
3. Salt of wormwood, made of the ashes of wormwood, was used in medicine as a tonic and as a repellent of moths and fleas in clothes and bedding.
4. Powder of tin was supposed to kill worms in the digestive tract.
5. Court plaster made of silk coated with isinglass was used to cover wounds.
6. Russel was a kind of woolen cloth used principally for clothing especially in the sixteenth century.
7. Bell metal is a resonant mixture of copper and tin.
8. Queensware was the name given by Josiah Wedgwood to a cream-colored earthenware that he developed in about 1765. It became very popular and was widely copied by other makers of china in England and Europe.
9. This was probably the gun GW bought for Walter Magowan. See Cash Accounts, August 1770.