George Washington Papers

Spinning and Weaving Records, 1768

Spinning and Weaving Records


Spun & Wove in the year 1768 for my own use as follow


Yards Weight ⟨Price⟩
Linnen 66 1/2 30 £1.13. 3
24 1/2 13 . 8. 2
34 1/2 17 .11. 5
36 17 .11. 8
33 1/2 17 .11. 3
33 16 .11. 4
34 17 .14. 2
33 1/2 18 .13.11
13 5 1. 6.  
41 19 .13. 8
40 11 2. 0. 0
41 22 .13. 8
43 1/2 22 .14. 6
42 23 .14.  
46 24 .15. 4
52 31 .17. 6
56 30 .18.10
46 26 .15. 4
49 1/2 26 .16. 8
50 1/2 26 .17.  
815 3/4 410 16.17. 8
deduct 43 3. 6.  
772 3/4 13.11. 8
Woolen 48 1/2 43 £1. 4. 3
49 3/4 57 1. 4.11
50 66 1. 5.  
50 66 1. 5.  
50 68 1. 5.  
53 63 1. 2. 3
54 63 1. 2. 8
365 1/4 426 8. 9. 1
Linsey 46 51 .19. 2
48 3/4 47 1. 0. 3
49 3/4 49 1. 0. 8
144 1/2 147 3. 0. 1
Cotton 7 1. 1. 0
33 1. 8. 0
40 2. 9. 0
Linsey 144 1/2 147 3. 0. 1
Woolen 365 1/4 426 8. 9. 1
Linnen 815 3/4 410 16.17. 8
Total 1365 1/2 30.15.10

A Comparison drawn, between Manufactoring, & Importing; the Goods on the otherside Viz.

To 509 yds of best Cottn to supply the place of 365 Yds s.d.
wool and 144 yds Linsey @ 1/6 £ 38. 3. 6
To 773 yds of best Ozbs. as on the otherside @ 8d. 25.15. 0
To 40 yds Huc[kabac]k @ 2/ 4. 0. 0
To 13 yds Diapr @ 3/ 1.19.  
To 7 yds Jeans @ 5/ 1.15.  
To 33 yds Cotton @ 2/     3. 6. 
74.18. 6
Charges 12½ prCt    9. 7. 4
84. 5.10
25 prCt diffe Excha:   21. 1. 5
Curry £105. 7. 3
Wool to make 365 and 144 yds of woolen Cloth viz. 499 yds @ 1/3 32. 5. 0
Hemp to make the Contra cloth 800 lbs. @ 4d. 13. 6. 6
Weavg the above Cloth that is 509 yds Woolen, 773 yds Ozgs, Cotton, &ca   30.15.10
76. 7. 4
Ballance   28.19.11
£105. 7. 3
Note. by this Acct it appears that the above Ballance £28.19s.11d. is all that is to defray the expence of Spinning—hire of one white Woman, & 5 Negro Girls—Cloathing—Victualling—Wheels &ca
Total amt of Weavg is £54.3.4 My own Work
£ 30.15.10
For Sundries   23. 7. 6
£ 54. 3. 4

AD, in GW’s hand, DLC:GW. This record was made on a separate sheet of paper and then tipped into GW’s Weavers’ Account at the back of the book.

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