George Washington Papers

Fairfax County Poll Sheet, 1 December 1768

Fairfax County Poll Sheet

[1 December 1768]

Colo. George Washington Colo. John West Captn John Posey
Lord Fairfax Lord Fairfax Solomon Nicholas
George Fairfax Esqre George Fairfax Esqre Thomas Hornbuckle
Solomon Nicholas David Thomas Jno. Sarter
Thomas Hornbuckle Eli Stone William Coarts
John Sarter Guy Broadwater James Appleton
David Thomas Thoms Douglas John Gray
William Coarts Daniel Mills Drakeford Gray
Eli Stone Zebedee Compton John Riley
Guy Broadwater Jno. West Junr Zebedee Compton
Thomas Douglas Richard Rakestray Richard Rakestray
Daniel Mills David Young Michael Valandingham
James Appleton Richard Lake James Grimsley
John Gray William Gunnell David Young
Drakeford Gray Sanford Ramey Richard Lake
John Riley Joseph Moxley John Reid
John West Junr Jno. Carlyle William Rogers
Michael Valandingham Daniel Talbot Isaac Davis
James Grimsley Michael Regan Sanford Ramey
John Reid James Gray Joseph Moxley
William Rogers Gerard Trammell William Pool
Isaac Davis Henry Gunnell Robert Mosely
William Gunnell Richard Sanford Thomas Lewis1
John Carlyle Francis Summers Senr Andrew Robertson
Daniel Talbot John Dalton William Johnston2
Michael Regan Harry Piper Charles Cornish
Jams Gray Thomas Doudle William Johnson Senr
William Pool Thomas Shaw William Burk
Robert Mosely Jno. Summers Senr Samuel Smith
Gerrard Trammell Jno. Summers William Spencer
Henry Gunnell Joseph Bennett Aaron Thomas
Richard Sanford Thomas Thompson Benjn King
Francis Summers Senr William Summers Andrew Allan
John Dalton Edward Williams William Hardin
Harry Piper Benjamin Talbot William Barker
Thomas Doudle Samuel Talbot Moses Barker
Thomas Lewis3 William Burk William Simms
Andrew Robertson Daniel Jenkins Charles Craig
Thomas Shaw Robert Davis William Ferguson
Jno. Summers Senr Robert Linsay Augustus Darrell
Jno. Summers Gilbert Simpson Senr Thomas Harden
Joseph Bennett Drummond Wheeler William Keen
Samuel Thompson Edward Dulin Gervis Hammond
Charles Cornwish John Askin4 William Hawkins
William Summers John Taylor William Williams
Edward Williams Thomas Grafford George Mason Junr5
Benjamin Talbot Going Lamphire Thomas Brounly
Samuel Talbot Thomas Lewis Loudon6 James Moor
William Johnston Senr William Harden Jacob Hall
Samuel Smith John Barry John Aliston
Daniel Jenkins William Simms Nicholas Garrett
Robert Davis Flemming Paterson Thomas Lucas
William Spencer Thomas Lewis son of ⟨S.⟩7 Thomas Windsor
Aaron Thomas James Wren William Kitchen
Benjamin King Edward Davis Thomas Bailey
Andrew Allan Francis Summers Daniel Jennings
Robert Lindsay Daniel Summers Lewis Saunders
Gilbert Simpson Senr Presley Cox Lutener Middleton
Drummond Wheeler Thomas Triplett Thomas Beach
Edward Dulin Harrison Manley John Cotton
John Taylor William Hawkins Ralph Cotton
Thomas Grafford Thomas Lester George Winn
Going Lamphire Martin Cockburn Thoms Hytch
Thomas Lewis Loudn Thoms Kirkpatrick Benjamin Halley
John Barry Robert Sanford James Halley Junr
William Barker Moses Ball Thomas Halbert
Moses Barker Peregrin Magnus Sampson Darrell
Fleming Paterson Franklin Perry Michael Gretter
Thoms Lewis Son of ⟨S.⟩8 Henry Taylor William Horseman
Charles Craig Joseph Powell William Stone
James Wren John Dulin Thoms Coffer
Edward Davis William Tunnell Robert Speake
Francis Summers William Munday Nathl Popejoy
Daniel Summers Tounshend Dade Philip Grymes
William Ferguson Simon Pearson William Halley
Presley Cox Thomas Brounly Charles Alexander
Thomas Triplett Jno. Williams Moses Simpson
Harrison Manley Michael Hall Jacob Hubbard
Augustus Darrell Thomas Alexon William Cash
Thomas Harden Richard Hollansberry John Seale
William Keen Nicholas Garrett Edward Blackbu⟨rn⟩
Gervis Hammond Edward Bates Tyler Waugh
Thomas Lester Thomas Windsor Peter Mauzey
Thoms Kirkpatrick William Kitchen William Carlane9
Martin Cockburn William Ramsey Thomas Ford
Robert Sanford Thomas Fleming John Martin
Benjn Sebastian Bryan Fairfax Esqre John Monroe
Moses Ball Henry Rozier Esqre George Martin
Peregrin Magnus Robert Alexander in all 87
William Williams Sampson Turley
Franklin Perry William Sewell
Henry Taylor Thomas Bailey
Joseph Powell Chas Broadwater
John Dowlin Daniel McCarty
William Tunnell Thoms Wren
William Munday John Hurst
Tounshend Dade John McClochlin
Simon Pearson James Robertson
George Mason Junr William Wren
John Williams Philip Alexander
James Moor George Mason
Jacob Hall John Muir
Michl Hall Saml Jenkins
Thoms Alexon Robert Adam
Richd Hollinsberry Mathew Campbell
John Allison James Adam
Thomas Lucas William Triplett
Edward Bates John Hunter
William Ramsay Thomas Monroe
Thoms Fleming Michl Gretter
Bryan Fairfax Esqre William Horseman
Henry Rozier Esqre John Anderson
Robert Alexander Edward Payne
Sampson Turley Jams Duneale
William Sewell James Moor
Chars Broadwater Marcellus Littlejohn
Daniel Jennings Lewis Ellzey
Daniel McCarty John Ramsay
Thoms Wren Nathaniel Popejoy
John Hurst James Lawrie
John McClochlin William Ballinger
Lewis Saunders Richard Arrell
James Robertson John Williams
William Wren Edward Washington
Lutener Middleton Paul Turley
Thomas Beach Bryan Alison
John Cotton William Scott
Ralph Cotton John O’Daniel
George Win[n] Charles Thrift
Thomas Hytch Absolom Thrift
Philip Alexander Peter Waggoner
Geo: Mason Jacob Hubbard
John Muir Thoms Moss
Saml Jenkins James Martin
Benjn Halley Gilbert Simpson Junr
Jams Halley Junr Peter Turley
Robert Adam John Seale
Thoms Halbert Henry Darnes
Mathew Campbell Edward Blackburn
Jams Adams George Williams
William Triplett William Richards
Sampson Darrell Jams Connell
John Hunter John Monroe
Thomas Monroe in all 142
Humphrey Peake
John Anderson
Edward Payne
Jams Duneale
Jams Moor
Marcellus Littlejohn
William Stone
Lewis Ellzey
Thos Coffer
John Ramsay
Robert Speeke
Philip Grymes
Jas Lawrie
William Balinger
Richard Arrell
John Williams
William Halley
Edward Washington
Paul Turley
Bryan Alison
William Scott
John O’Daniel
Charles Thrift
Samuel Johnson
Charles Alexander
Moses Simpson
Absolom Thrift
Peter Waggoner
Thomas Moss
William Cash
Jams Martin
Gilbert Simpson Jun.
Peter Turley
Henry Darns
Tyler Waugh
Peter Mauzey
William Carlane
William Richards
Jams Connell
Thomas Ford
John Martin
George Martin
in all 185

D, DLC:GW. The poll sheet is undated, but it can be identified. The Fairfax County Poll Sheet for the election of 16 July 1765, with the same three candidates but not the same list of voters, is dated by GW. No poll was taken in the burgess election in September 1769 when there were only two candidates (see Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 2:180). This, therefore, has to be the poll taken on 1 Dec. 1768 when, as is known, GW and John West outpolled John Posey as they had in 1765. The clerk’s copy printed here may in fact be the poll sheet kept by the clerk whom GW hired for the purpose (see Cash Accounts, December 1768, and note 2 of that document). The poll sheet has three columns headed by the names of the candidates followed by a list of all the freeholders who voted for each candidate, almost certainly in the order that the voters stepped forward and spoke the names of the two men for whom they wished to vote. The clerk who kept this poll does not have a separate line for each voter as GW did in his Frederick County poll of 24 July 1758, which revealed at a glance the candidate for whom each freeholder did not vote as well as the candidates for whom he did vote. For this reason, in printing the 1768 poll sheet we have not felt it useful to retain the parallel columns under the names of the candidates on each page as we did in printing the 1758 poll (see Enclosure V, Charles Smith to GW, 26 July 1758). Instead, in order to save space we have printed the lists of voters for each candidate successively. We also have deleted the clerk’s subtotals.

1Three Thomas Lewises appear on this poll; all three voted for GW. One Thomas Lewis is probably the man known as Thomas Lewis, Sr. (d. 1771). He had a son named Thomas who may be the “Thomas Lewis son of ⟨S.⟩” named in the poll. The “Thomas Lewis Loudoun” is probably the Thomas Lewis who in 1775 was on the committee of correspondence in Loudoun County.

2William Johnston voted for neither GW nor West. The clerk’s notation at the bottom of his poll sheet reads: “William Payne, 1 vote from William Johnston.”

3See note 1 above.

4John Askin voted for neither GW nor Posey. The clerk wrote at the end of his poll sheet: “Captn John West, one vote from John Askins.” Capt. John West was Col. John West’s nephew.

5This is probably George Mason of Pohick, a cousin of George Mason of Gunston Hall.

6See note 1 above.

7See note 1 above.

8See note 1 above.

9This is probably William Carr Lane (d. 1770) who, with his brother James (d. 1777), owned the Newgate (sometimes called the Eagle) Tavern on the Colchester road in the western part of Fairfax County. It may, however, be a misspelling of the name of William Carlin, the tailor.

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