George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, July 1768

Cash Accounts

[July 1768]

July 28— To Cash recd from Valentine Crawford £ 1. 7. 3
July  1— By grindg Razor’s 1/3. Exps. to Fredg 6/31 0. 7. 6
By Cash pd Rachel McKeaver in Apl & neglected to be chargd 3.15. 0
4— By Thos Bishop 50/. 1 dozn Ducks 9/ 2.19. 0
By Mrs Simpson bringing Lidia & Judy to Bed2 1. 0. 0
By Charity 25/—By Wm Skilling £4.0.0 5. 5. 0
9— By Andw Jones & Abner Roberts for Cradling 3. 1. 6
17— By David Kinsey Cradling 2 Days 0.10. 0
By Wm Black 1¾ ditto 0. 8. 9
By Robt Langley for 6½ days Do3 1.12. 6
21— By Mrs Washington 2.10. 0
By Alexr McKenzie for self4 3. 2. 0
By Do Do for Mastr Custis 0.10. 0
25— By Mr Harry Piper for a Servt Michael Treacy Bricklayer5 18. 4. 0
26— By Eliab Roberts for Cradling 5.13. 0
28— By a Bricklayer’s Trowell 0. 1. 8
By Charity 0. 6. 0
28— By Captn Wm Crawford for Land bot for me6 8. 0. 0
30— By Jonathen Palmer for 18 days Cradg 5.8.0 4 days Mowg @ 3/ 12[s.] Gave Do in considn of his gd behaviour [£]1.4.7 7. 4. 0
By Edmund Palmer 1 day cradg & 4 Mowing 0.17. 0
By Edwd Williams Balle of Acct 3.16.10

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 274, 277.

1For GW’s trip to Fredericksburg, see Jonathan Boucher to GW, 15 July 1768, n.1.

2The slave Lydia lived on the Home House farm, and Judy, whom GW bought from Fielding Lewis in July 1761, lived on the River farm.

3GW wrote in his diary on 11 July 1768 that he “Rid to Muddy hole [farm] where three white men were Cradling” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 2:76).

4Alexander McKenzie was a tailor.

5GW lists Michael Tracy as one of his tithables only in 1769; in July 1770 Andrew Wales, the brewer in Alexandria, advertised that “Michael Tracey” had run away (Virginia Gazette [Rind; Williamsburg], 26 July 1770).

6This was “a Piece of Land which he [Crawford] is to procure for me in the Fork of Monongahela and Yaughyaughgany” (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 273). Crawford had land surveyed on the Youghiogheny River in 1769, and GW took up 1,644 acres there at what became known as Washington’s Bottom. See particularly GW to Crawford, 17 Sept. 1767, n.2.

7At this time Jonathan Palmer was being hired by the day as a harvester of hay and grain. However, on 30 Aug. 1768 GW agreed with Palmer for him “to come and Work with my Carpenters; either at their Trade—Cowpering—or, in short at any thing that he may be set about—In consideration of which, I am to pay him £40 pr. Ann. allow him 400 lbs. of Meat & 20 Bushels of Indian Corn. I am also to allow him to keep two Milch Cows (one half of whose Increase I am to have) and to have Wheat for which he is to pay. He is to be allowed a Garden & I am to get the old dwelling House at Muddy hole repaird for him. I am also to take his Waggon at £17, if he brings it free from damage and it is no older than he says—that is about a 12 Month. Note he is to be here as early as possible in April—if not in March” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 2:83).

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