George Washington Papers

Invoice from Robert Cary & Company, 17 November 1766

Invoice from Robert Cary & Company

London 17th Novr 1766.

Invoice of Costs & Charges of Goods Shiped on board the Lord Campden John Johnstoun Commander for Virginia upon the proper Account and risque of Colo. George Washington & to him Consigned Vizt1

Theo. Crowley Iron
25 M 8d. Nails @3/6 £ 4. 7. 6
Cask . 1.10
25 M 8d. Nails @3/6 4. 7. 6
Cask . 1.10
20 M 10d. Nails 4/3 4. 5. 0
Cask . 1.10
20 M 10d. Nails 4/3 4. 5.  
Cask . 1.10
12 M 20d. Nails 6/3 3.15.  
Cask . 1.10
25 lb. best Glew 6d. .12. 6
3 la: padlocks A 1/9 . 5. 3
3 Ditto B 2/3 . 6. 9
3 la: plate Stock Locks wt. Bars & Screws A 6/2 .18. 6
3 Ditto B 7/6 1. 2. 6
½ doz. turng Chissels sorted @10/ pr Dozn . 5.  
4 la: Curry Combs 1/ . 4.  
1 brass sliding Parrallel Rule . 7. 6
1 12 Inch brass Gunter Scale with Inches & tenths on one side & Inches & 12ths on the other .19. 6
Cask . 2. 6
A bundle qty
3 Bars of German Steel wt. 0. 1 Qr. 23 lb. @56/ 1. 5. 6
1 Bar blisterd Steel wt. 0. 1 Qr. 22 lb. @32/8 .14. 2
Chas Wilkins Oil &ca
1⟨g.⟩ 1Q. op. of fine Oyl @9/ .11. 3
1 bottle for Do . 1.  
10 Sml barls Lamp bla. . 1. 3
1 Baskt for Oyl & bla[ckin]g .  . 8
Sarah Bennet Bisquet
2 Qr white Bisquet 32/ .16.  
Kilderkin headg &ca . 6.  
Humphry’s & Co. Blankets2
2 ps. fine stripd Blankg @80/ 8. 0. 0
4 dozn plaid Hose No. 3 11/6 2. 6. 0
4 dozn Do Do No. 4 12/6 2.10.  
Packing Cloth for 1 Bale . 5.  
James Gordon Seeds
1 Peck of Gardn Peas . 4.  
1 Ditto dwarf Marrow do . 4.  
1 Do white Non parl Do . 4.  
1 Do green Do . 4.  
1 Oz. early Sugr loaf Cabbage . 1.  
1 Oz. late Do . 1.  
3 Oz. Scarlet Raddish .  . 6
3 Oz. short toped Do .  . 6
1 Oz. best Savoy .  . 6
1 Oz. Lattice . 1. 6
1 Oz. Scarlet Onion .  . 6
4 Bags . 2. 0
7 Bottles for Do . 1. 9
1 Case . 2. 6
John Brazier Guns3
4 fowling pieces 4 foot in the Barl sml bore brass Mounted with Walnut Stocks Screw pin locks list Cases &ca @15/6 3. 2. 0
A Wood Case . 2. 0
Andrews & Co. Grocery
6 lb. whi: Ginger @9d. . 4. 6
best fig blue 3 lb. 1/6 . 4. 6
1 lb. french Indigo 5/6 . 5. 6
10 lb. Jordon Almds 1/6 .13. 4
4 lb. finest Sago 20d. . 6. 8
10 fine dble loaves Sugr wt 69 lb. 10¾ 3. 1. 9 3/4
10 Single Do Do weight 1 C. 0 Q. 8½ lb. @72/ 3.17. 5 1/4
Cask . 3. 6
Chest Cord & Cording .17. 6
Frans Nalder Cheese
1 Cheshire Cheese 29¾ lb. @5d. .12. 4
2 dble Gloucr Do 28 Do 6d. .14. 0
A Case . 1. 2
Robt Cartony Tea
5 lb. finest Hyson Tea @18/ 4.10. 0
5 lb. fine Green Do 14/ 3.10. 0
Tin Sugar box & case . 8.  
Susanna Coleman Breec[he]s
1 pair Buck Breeches 1. 8. 0
Richards & Co. Hose
6 pr Mens super[fin]e grey worsted Hose @6/ 1.16. 0
6 pr Do 4d. fine wt. thrd Do 7/ 2. 2. 0
Wm Tidmarsh Cards
4 pr of Tow Cards @16/ . 5. 4
4 pr of Strong Wool 24/ . 8. 0
2 pr of Stock Cards 3/6 . 7. 0
2 pr of Strong Do 4/ . 8. 0
Wm Crozer Braziel4
4 lb. of Braziel @7d. . 2. 4
Elizath Nicholls Brushes
2 pair Weavers Brushes . 2. 8
Willm Kilpin Tools
To 4 Shekels5 . 4. 8
To a pr of yard Temples . 1. 0
To a pair of Pickers & a pr Shears . 2. 0
John Payne Buckles
A pair of Silver knee Buckles . 7.  
A Sett of Filligree Metal gilt Buckles in a case .17. 0
Mary Scott & Son Cutlery
½ dozn buck Tables [knives] . 3. 9
1 dozn green Ivory Tables swelld bosom Forks 1.10. 0
1 fine Buffalo bladed pocket knife London made .10. 6
2 fine cuttg out Scissars 1/6 . 3.  
1 pr large strong Do .  .10
2 pr Do 2/ . 4.  
½ dozn pr green Ivory Tables [knives] .14. 0
2 setts strong Diamd cut steel Buckles @1/6 . 3.  
1 Butchers Steel . 1. 8
1 Curriers Steel .  .10
1 fine polished Gun Vice . 2. 6
2 dozn horn Combs 1/2 . 2. 4
1 pr Taylors Shears . 1. 1
200 sml perch hooks .  . 6
Thoms Johnston Turnery
6 la: dry rubg Clamps .12.  
Mount & Page Staty
½ Rheam Paper . 3. 6
10 Qrs. best 4to Paper . 4. 6
½ Rheam fine Dutch arms cut . 6. 6
J. Brotherton Books6
Larboratory or School of Arts—out of Print Museum Rusticum 33 Nos. bound in 6 Vols. 1.19. 0
Handmaid to the Arts 2 Vols. .12. 0
Diaper Weavers director or figure Weavrs compn not to be found
Timoy Bevan & Son Apothy
4 Oz. Magnes Alba . 1. 3
2 Oz. best Rhubarb . 3. 6
2 Oz. Matthews Pills . 2.  
6 Oz. Spirits Hartshorn . 1. 6
1 lb. 6 oz. Daffes Elixer 2/8 . 3. 8
2 Oz. Pilex duobus . 2. 0
2 Oz. Cosia . 2. 0
Bryony Water 2 lb.7 . 4. 2
8 Oz. red Precipitate . 4.  
25 lb. Antimony (dear) 5d. .10. 5
4 lb. flower of Brimstone . 1. 6
4 lb. whe Arsenack . 2.  
3 bottle’s & 3 Sml Pots .  . 9 1/2
2 flint stopd Bottles . 1. 1
Box & Cord . 1. 2
Chas Brown Corks
10 Groce of Corks @2/ 1. 0. 0
1 Bag .  . 6
Mrs Shelbury & Co. Milli[ner]y
To Necklace & Earings 1. 1. 0
4 yds pea green Ribn @7d. . 2. 4
4 yds blew Do . 2. 4
4 yds crimson Do . 2. 4
3 Egrets for Do . 6. 0
A piece of Hair Ribbn .18. 6
Velvet Satten Cloak wt. silk Shag & broad⟨line⟩, Ribn & Makg 4.19. 0
4 M short Whites 9d. . 3. 0
1 M best Londn Needles . 4. 6
4 Oz. 4d. thrd 4 Oz. 6d. Ditto . 3. 2
4 Oz. 8d. Do 4 Oz. 12d. Ditto . 5. 8
4 Oz. 8d. Cotton . 2. 4
4 Oz. barbers Netting Silk . 6. 6
4 Oz. Chineese Do .12. 6
A Neat Tortoise shell Comb & case . 4. 0
3 pr kid Gloves col[ore]d . 6. 6
3 pr Mitts @1/6 . 4. 6
A Neat Fan . 5.  
1 Groce Shirt Buttons . 3.  
Box & Cask . 3. 6
Davidson & Co. Sadlery
4 pair Stirrip leathers 1/1½ . 4. 6
2 Checkd Sadl. Cloths bound 2/6 . 5.  
Jno. Didsbury8 Shoes
4 pr wd. heeld Shoes 1.14. 0
2 pr Toed Clogs .10. 0
Jno. Stabler Linnen
5 Ells fine Gulix Holl[an]d 7/ 1.15. 0
3 Ells Suprfine Do 9/6 1. 8. 6
3 ps. super[fin]e Irish high bleachd yard wide No. 19 76 yds @5/ 19.     
1 ps. fine Engh Cambk No. 223 3. 4. 0
4 yds fine 6/4 Muslin No. 1 5/ 1. 0. 0
4 yd super[fin]e yd wide Do Jacconet No. 2 @8/ 1.12. 0
4 yds sup[erfin]e 6/4 Do Do No. 3 13/ 2.12. 0
12 fine rich silk handfs 4/ 2. 8. 0
Case .  .10
Benja. Kenton Porter
12 doz. fine old Porter Bottled Packd & wired 6/6 3.18. 0
3 Hampers . 6. 0
pd Cartage & Shippg . 3. 0
Richd Farrer & Co. China
2 blew & white China Milk Pots . 4. 0
4 Slop Basons Do . 7. 0
1 Galln Punch Bowl .14. 0
1 two Qt Do Nankn bordr . 6. 6
2 Sugr Dishes & Covers . 4. 6
4 fine painted Image Quart Mugs @10/ 2. 0. 0
Box . 1. 6
John Spicer Shott
0 C. 1 Qr. 0 lb. Small Shott 21/ . 5. 3
0 C. 1 Q. 0 lb. of la: Bird Shott 18/6 . 4. 7 1/2
0 C. 2 Q. 0 lb. Shott No. 1 & 2 17/6 . 8. 9
4 Bags 8d. Cask 6d. Carra. 6d. . 1. 8
Mary Vaughton Sieves
1 dozn fine Iron Wheat Sieves @4/ 2. 8. 0
headg & mattg . 4. 6
Water & Porting . 2. 0
[total] 145. 9.—9
Entry Out Searchers Fees & Shippg Charges 3. 4. 6
Freight Primage & Bills of Loading 4.13. 6
Premo of £160 Insured at 2½ prCt & Policy 4. 5.—
Commn at 2½ pct 3.18.—
[£]161. 1.—

Errors Excepted pr Robert Cary & Co.


1GW ordered these goods on 23 and 28 June 1766 and acknowledged receipt on 4 April 1767. GW also received Cary’s invoice of this date for goods for John Parke Custis and Martha Parke Custis.

2Humphreys & Co., warehousemen, were at 5 Lothbery in 1767. See the identification of Humphreys & Harris in Cary’s invoice, 13 Feb. 1765, n.7.

3John Brazier’s gunmaking business was in the Minories in London.

4Crozier & Waugh at 1 Turnwheel Lane, Cannon Street, were merchants and dry salters.

5GW evidently copied this incorrectly from Cary’s invoice. He had ordered four shuttles on 23 June.

6James Brotherton, a bookseller in Cornhill in 1765, was joined by John Sewell in 1770, and together they published books and pamphlets.

7Aqua bryoniae, made from a root, was used in the treatment of female complaints and of convulsions in children.

9GW used a dash here and in three of the next five entries.

Index Entries