George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, November 1766

Cash Accounts

[November 1766]

Novr 11— To Cash of Mr Valentine on J.P. Cust[is’]s Acct £147. 4. 3
To Ditto of Ditto on G. W—n Acct 112.12. 6
⟨12⟩— To Ditto from the Treasury on Acct of Colo. Carlyles Order1 40.13. 7
Novr 2— By Colo. [John] Baylors Servants 0. 5. 0
By Colo. [Fielding] Lewis’s Ditto 0. 2. 6
By Exps. at Todds Bridge 0.12. 9
3— By ferriages at Claibornes 0.10. 6
By Ferrymen 0. 1. 0
4— By Mrs Washington 3. 0. 0
5— By 4 Almanacks 0. 5. 0
By Sundries for Colo. [George William] Fairfax 0.19. 4
8— By Mr Jno. Washington’s Acct for Shingles &ca from the dismal Swamp 23. 5. 6
12— By Barber 2/6—Watch Key 2/6 0. 5. 0
14— By Doctr D. Seguary a visit to Mr Washingn2 4. 0. 0
15— By Club at the Brick House 0. 4. 0
18— By Colo. West for Huntg Ck Inspectors 4. 0. 03
By Ferriages at Burwells .7.64
By Servants .1.3
By Exps. at Suffolk .2.0
Do at Willets .3.4
By Ferriages at Hog island & Ferry[me]n .8.95 1. 2.10
21— By Mr James Gibson’s Acct 4. 3. 0
22— By Mr Marme Norfleet Balle of Acct for Sundry’s 5.10. 0
By Ditto Do in part for his Land6 100. 0. 0
By Benja. Herndon7 5. 0. 0
25— By Charity 0.10. 0
By Postage 1/—Coffee 2/7 0. 3. 7
28— By Oranges 5/ 0. 5. 0
29— By 3 pair of Earings for Mrs [Anne Aylett] Washington of Popes Creek 3. 7. 6
30— By Mr Alexr Craig for a Saddle &ca for Billy Basset 3. 0. 0

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 234, 237.

1For references to GW’s sale of wheat to Carlyle & Adam, see especially GW to Carlyle & Adam, 9 Mar. 1765, and notes.

2Dr. John de Sequeyra (1712–1795), a Londoner, had been in Virginia practicing medicine since 1745. See Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 2:195.

3GW paid John West “in Williamsburg” (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 220).

4GW may have crossed the James River at Lewis Burwell’s Kingsmill, a plantation about four miles from Williamsburg.

5Hog Island is on the James River about six miles south of Williamsburg.

7Benjamin Herndon lived in King George County. GW advanced £5 to Herndon in the purchase of Norfleet’s land. See note 6.

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