George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, January 1766

Cash Accounts

[January 1766]

For 1766 To Cash on hand viz. Virga Papr £302.11.0 English Silver 10.6.8 English gold ½ Gu[i]na .15. £313.12.8
[Maryland currency] Dollars viz. 63 @7/6 23.12.6 Maryld Paper 10[s]. Coppers 6 @1d. 6[d]. 24. 3.0
Jany 7th— By Charity 25. 0.0
9— By James Cleveland for Alexr Clevelands share of the Crop (Hemp excepted)1 24.13.6
By Colo. [George William] Fairfax’s Servants 2. 2.6
By Samuel Johnston 15 Dollars £ 5.12.62

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 230.

1Alexander Cleveland was overseer of Muddy Hole farm in 1765 and received as his share one-eighth of the farm’s crop of 497 bushels of wheat, 317 bushels of spelt, 45 bushels of rye, 36½ bushels of hemp seed, 178½ barrels of corn, and his share of hemp valued at ten shillings. See General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 216.

2GW indicates this was in Maryland currency.

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