George Washington Papers
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Guardian Accounts, 6 May 1765

Guardian Accounts

[6 May 1765]

Mr John Parke Custis Dr
Sterling Curry
To cash paid for Sundries since my last settlement with the ⟨mutilated⟩ in April 1764 viz.
mutilated⟩ a Sett of Shoe & knee Buckles for his Man £ 0. 3.6
To William Carlin—Taylors Acct . 7.6
Mr McKay entrance to Dancing    .10. 
William ⟨mutilated⟩ for Books . 5. 
⟨Messrs Carlyle &⟩ Dalton for a pair of shoes    . 6. 
Mr Stedlar ⟨for⟩ entrance to Musick 1. 7.0
The Secretary for ⅔ of 90 lbs.
Tobo for Recording of the Estates Accounts .10.  3. 8. 0
To Mr Didsbury for Shoes chargd by mistake to Go: Washington amounting to Sterlg £ 2.12.3
Insurance &ca . 6.6
60 prCt Excha: on Ditto 1.15.3 4.14. 0
To Charles Washingtons & Fieldg Lewis’s Bond bearing date April 30th 1764 for 800.     
May 5 To payment of Francis Foster’s Mortgage this ⟨mutilated⟩ day of May 1765 for 500.     
£1308. 2. 0    
May 6
To Balle due Jno. Parke Custis & carried to New Acct 330. 2.11
£1638. 4.11
Contra Cr
1764 Sterling Currency
April 30 By Balle of last settled Acct of this date 429.17. 9
By my draft on Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. and lent ⟨mutilated⟩ Jno. ⟨mutilated mutilated
Washington mutilated
mutilated 500. 0.0
60 pr Ct Exchange on Ditto  300. 0.0 ⟨232.17. 0⟩
May 4
By ⟨Cash recd of⟩ Joseph Valentine (the Steward) on Acct of the Profits arising from his Estate pr Accts Renderd  1208. 7. 2   
1638. 4.11
Errors Excepted ⟨pr⟩ Go: Washington 6th May 1765
Miss Martha Parke Custis Dr
sterl. Curry
[1764] 30 Apl To Balle of the last Acct settled ⟨with⟩ the Genl Court of this date 89.11. 3 1/2
⟨To Cash⟩ paid for Sundries ⟨mutilated
To Miss Wade ⟨mutilated £  0.16. 0
Mr Mackay ⟨mutilated .10.  
Mr Craig for ⟨mutilated 1. 2. 6
Mr Hubbard ⟨mutilated . 2. 6
To the ⟨mutilated . 5.  
Messrs Carlyle & Dal⟨ton’s Acct⟩ for 8 Yds ⟨mutilated 2. 7.  
Mr Stedlar entrance Musick    1. 7.   6. 5. 7
To Mr Didsbury for shoes charged by a
mistake to George Washington amounting to Sterlg £ 2.18. 6
Freight insurance &ca     7. 3    3. 5.9               
3. 5.9 95.16.10 1/2
Mutilated⟩ Miss Custis & carried to new Acct 114. 0.10   88.12.3               
£117. 6.7 £184. 9. 1 1/2
Contra Cr
[sterling] [currency]
1764 Apl 30 By Balle of the last Settlement ⟨mutilated⟩ of the ⟨mutilated 117. 6.7
By Cash received ⟨mutilated
Mr Willm Dandridge ⟨mutilated £ 44. 0.10
Mr Phil. ⟨Whitehead Claiborne⟩ 14.    
Mrs McKenzie 10.16.  
mutilated  115.12. 3 1/2
 117. 6.7  184. 9. 1 1/2
Errors Excepted pr
Go: Washington
Williamsburg 6th May 1765

Note. The above Accts are exact copies of those ⟨settled⟩ by Commissioners appointed by the Genl Court namely Peyton Randolph Burwell Bassett ⟨mutilated⟩ on the 6th day of May 1765

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