George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, September 1764

Cash Accounts

[September 1764]

Septr 1— To Mr [Charles] Green on acct of Wheat £ 2.10.0
To Cash of Edward Violett to pay Mr [Walter] Magowan 1.10.0
To Cash of Chrr Hardwick for Mr Chs Washington 7. 0.0
Septr 1— By Mr Magowan—the Cash recd of Edd Voilet1 1.10.0
5— By two Horse Collars—pd Nelson Kelly 0. 2.6
By Cash paid Nelson Kelly 6. 0.0
7— By Thomas Nicholas bal[anc]e due for his Wages2 19.12.0
By Thomas Bishop 0. 5.0
9— By Postage of a Letter—Alexa. 0. 1.3
10— By Edward Voilet—sent pr Chr Hardwick 5. 0.0
15— By Expences to the Great Falls—fishing3 0.13.9
By Mr Chs Washington for Deeds in Fredg 1.13.4
By Do Money recd of C: Hardwick4 7. 0.0
17— By Jno. Askew 1. 0.0
18— By Colo. [John] Carlyle in part for Transfer Tobo @11/75 10. 0.0
By Jno Askew pr Turner Crump 0.10.0
By 1 pr knee buckles for Breechy 0. 1.6
By Club at Grayson’s 3/96—Gave skipper 10/ 0.13.9
22— By a Pettuager bot of Abram Beach7 3. 0.0
By Holferd Burk & others Ditchers 1.10.0
23— By Michael Grater for 87 lbs. of Beef @3d. 1. 1.9
26— By Colo. Carlyle Balle of Accts 18. 0.0
28— By Jno. Alton 2. 0.0
By taking up Grig8 0.10.0
By 5 Yards persian9 1. 0.0
29— By Saml Moxley for 18 head of Cattle 22.10.0
By Servants 2/6—By Ditchers 10/ 0.12.6

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 184, 188.

1See cash entry above.

3The Great Falls of the Potomac River are about fifteen miles upriver from Alexandria.

4See cash entry above.

5Transfer tobacco was the tobacco brought to the warehouse for inspection loose, in bundles, rather than in hogsheads. In his account with Carlyle & Dalton, GW simply indicates on 18 Sept. 1764 that he paid Carlyle & Dalton £10 in cash (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 109).

6On 19 Sept. 1764 Benjamin Grayson (d. 1768) was granted a license by the Fairfax County court to keep an ordinary in Alexandria. His bankruptcy the year before was widely advertised.

7Abraham Beach lived in Fairfax County.

8Grig appears in GW’s list of tithables, 1761 through 1765, as a slave at his Muddy Hole farm.

9This was probably a fine silk used for lining which was called “Persian.”

Index Entries