George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, September 1763

Cash Accounts

[September 1763]

Septr 4— To Surveyors Fee of Jas Colhoon (by Mr Dent)1 £ 2. 3. 0
19— To Mr Lund Washington for a Whipsaw 2. 5. 0
21— To Mrs Manley 5. 2. 92
Septr 1— By Expences at Trammels 0. 3. 6
2— By Ditto at Leesburg 0. 8. 9
By Sadler at Ditto 0. 1. 3
By 3 Bushels of Spelts—pd Pursley3 0.10. 0
4— By Servants 0. 2. 6
By Copying Deed in the Proprietor’s Office 0. 5. 0
By Servants 0. 1. 3
6— By Edward Snickers to pay for 4 Bushls Spelts 0.15. 0
By Exps. at Snickers 0. 8. 0
By Ditto at Fork of the Roads 0. 3. 6
9— By Expences at Dumfries 0. 8. 2
By Servants 0. 2. 0
10— By Mississippi Adventure4 8.15. 0
By Exps. at Stafford Court House 0.18. 9
By 300 English Walnuts @2/6 0. 7. 6
By Lace 0. 8. 6
13— By a Bay Horse bought of James Bryants 12. 0. 0
By [William] Houston—Sadler 0. 6. 3
By Mantuamaker 5/ Servant 1/ Barbr 1/ 0. 7. 0
14— By Expences at Dumfries 6/6 Do at Colchr 1/ 0. 7. 6
By Club at Ball 5/ Servants 2/ 0. 7. 0
19— By Mr Henry Moore5 for Iron of Mr [John] Semple 30. 3. 9
20— By Mr Claggett for Doctr Ross—for Servt & old Acct6 23.15. 4
By Club at [Philip] Bushes 0. 2. 0
24— By Jno. Prescott 0. 5. 0
26— By Servants 3/9 0. 3. 9
By Christr Hardwick in full of Accts 34. 6.117

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 167.

1GW’s survey made 21 Mar. 1752 for James Cahoon (Colhoon) was for 88 acres on Lost River. See George Washington’s Professional Surveys in Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends , 1:31, 36. This is probably the Thomas Dent who worked for George William Fairfax in 1759. He may have been working in Lord Fairfax’s Northern Neck land office at this time.

2This amount represented at least five years of charges for the work done for Mrs. Sarah Harrison Manley by GW’s blacksmith, with small additional charges for supplying her with staves for four tobacco hogsheads (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 77).

3This may have been either Thomas or John Pursel (Pursley), both of whom harvested wheat at Mount Vernon in 1769. Spelt is a wheatlike grain.

4For the meeting of the Mississippi Land Company at Belleview in Stafford County on 9 Sept. 1763, see the notes in Mississippi Land Company: Articles of Agreement, 3 June 1763.

5This is probably Henry Moore (died c.1773) of Fairfax County.

6Dr. David Ross (d. 1778) was a merchant in Bladensburg, Maryland. GW noted in his diary on 25 Jan. 1760, “Wrote to Doctr. Ross to purchase me a Joiner, Bricklayer, and Gardner if any Ship of Servants was in” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 1:229).

7This was the final settlement by GW of his account with Christopher Hardwick as overseer of Bullskin plantation. See Cash Accounts, 1761, n.73, and GW’s Agreement with Christopher Hardwick, 22 Jan. 1763, source note.

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