George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Mayne, Burn, & Mayne, 6 August 1762

To Mayne, Burn, & Mayne

Mount Vernon 6th Augt 1762


From the Character given of your House by Messrs Carlyle & Dalton I take the Liberty of desiring you to send me a Pipe of your best Lisbon Wine.1 for the value of whh please to draw on Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. Merchts London who shall be duely advertised thereof and will pay your Bills upon demand.

This Wine may receive a Freight in any of Mr Galloway’s, or Mr Ringold’s Vessells or in short in any manner that you may judge best.2 please to address for—On Potomack River Virginia. I am Gentn Your most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALB, DLC:GW. GW noted that this letter was “committed to—Messrs Carlyle & Daltons care.”

John and William Mayne were Lisbon merchants in London. GW received a letter on 26 June 1765 from a merchant in Lisbon named Edward Burn.

1The retail firm of John Carlyle & John Dalton in Alexandria was formed in 1744 and lasted until Dalton’s death in 1777.

2Samuel Galloway (1720–1785) was a Quaker merchant in Anne Arundel County, Md., involved in the trade with the West Indies and Portugal. Thomas Ringgold (c.1715–1772) of Chestertown, Md., was often a partner of Galloway in trading commodities such as tobacco, grain, lumber, slaves, and wine.

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