From George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, 2 July 1759
To Robert Cary & Company
Virginia 2 July 1759
By the Fair American William Thompson Master a ship belonging to—1 I send you fifteen Hhds Tobo the whole Amount of the Estates Crop this Year; one Hhd only excepted, which I coud not get on board in time as it lay up Pamunky River.2 Be pleasd therefore to Insure the above fifteen Hhds in the usual manner for the Estates Interest, and being perswaded you are the best Judge of this, I leave it to your Descretion to fix upon a Sum.3 I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt
Go: Washington
LB, in GW’s hand, DLC:GW.
1. The Fair American was a French prize owned by Samuel Hurry of Yarmouth, England.
2. The Custis estate netted £267.15 on the sale of the fifteen hogsheads of tobacco. It was probably the sixteenth hogshead that GW shipped to James Gildart on 25 July (see GW to James Gildart, 12 June 1759, n.4).
3. As owner of the tobacco being consigned to Robert Cary & Co. in London, GW was responsible for all charges incurred in its transportation and marketing, including the cost of insuring the tobacco against loss at sea.